1.9; Don't fall asleep

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Warning: Drug overdose

/ Lafayette, Indiana \
/ Axl's room \
/ Sunday, June 30 - 7 am \

Axl was woken up to his door swinging open, "Bill! Get the fuck up! It's Sunday; I shouldn't have to tell you!" His dad yelled. Axl flinched at the sudden noises, startled. His dad walked away, getting ready for church.

Axl dragged himself out of bed. He grabbed some clothes as he heard someone coming up from behind him. The ginger cautiously turned around, making sure it wasn't his father with a belt.

He found his mother with a guilty expression. She took her son's face into her hands, looking into his familiar green eyes, "I'm sorry, hun. I tried to get here to wake you up first."

"It's okay, Ma. I'm fine." Axl gave her a forced and tired smile. "I'll see you in the kitchen when you're done." His mother kissed his forehead before leaving his room, closing the door behind her.

Axl threw on his nice Sunday jeans and a white button up shirt. He hated it. It's summer; it's fucking 80 degrees! Axl would much rather be wearing a breathable t-shirt and shorts.

Axl thought about how Izzy would tell him to stop complaining about the heat. Hell, Izzy walks around in tight black jeans and a long sleeve all the time! He couldn't wrap his brain around how the brown haired boy could do that all the time.

Axl sighed, realizing that he did miss Izzy. He knew he was supposed to be mad at the fucker, but after he calmed down, he couldn't stop thinking about him. Axl figured he could stop by and talk to him, to at least resolve everything. After that, he knew they would have to talk to the rest of the group though, especially Slash. Slash was right, it wasn't his business to tell.

After he finished getting ready, he joined his family in the kitchen. "Amy, Stuart, don't forget you two have the playdate today." Their mother told them. The two younger children nodded, hearing their mother. "What do you say?" Their father raised his eyebrows at them. "Yes, mother." The two said, almost in sync.

"Finally, you're fucking ready!" Axl's father said, noticing him walk into the kitchen. "Maybe if you would let me go to the store and get an alarm clock, I would be up on time." Axl tiredly mumbled, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. "Excuse me?"

"You heard what I said." Axl filled up the glass with milk and joined his sister and brother at the table. He smiled at Amy, getting a weak smile back. "If I didn't have to worry about you stealing shit all the time, I would let you go, you piece of shit!" He yelled, causing Amy and Stuart to jump; Axl stood his ground, doing as he would as if someone wasn't yelling at him.

"I'm a piece of shit?! What about you! You can't even keep a job! Ma's doin' it all!" Axl yelled. "One more fuckin' word, boy! I'm warning you!" Their dad threatened the ginger.

"Bill.." Stuart nudged his angry brother, "...just stop."

Axl ignored his brother, "Oh please! Are you gonna hit me?! What's new?!" And that's exactly what he did. Axl angrily huffed as he rubbed the hand print across his face. "Are you done yet?!" He screamed in Axl's face. He was so pissed he felt his eyes gloss over, he hated angry crying; some people thought he was crying cause they hurt his feelings, so they laughed at him. They all did, until they realized what the crying included; screaming and/or hitting.

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