1.11; McDonalds

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/ Lafayette, Indiana \
/ The Hospital \
/ Monday, June 31 - 9 am \

Izzy woke up to silence and the murmurs of doctors and nurses around the hospital. He looked over at the clock to see it was nine in the morning, "Did they really have to be doing this shit this early?" He thought while turning over, being met with his mom, sleeping in a chair.

He laid there for a while, thinking about his friends. He knew he missed Axl, there was no question about it. Izzy couldn't wait for the visitation hours to start. He wished he was at home. He couldn't smoke there so he was going through some withdrawals already; it was annoying as fuck. He kept waking up in the middle of the night wishing he could smoke.

When his mom woke up she went home to get Izzy a change of clothes and the necklace he asked for. While she was gone a random man came into the room, "Sir?"

Izzy looked up from his sweatpants strings he was playing with, "Hm?"

"So, you need to shower. Would you rather have your mother with you or a nurse?"

Izzy felt his face fill with embarrassment, "Uh, could I just do it alone?"

"No, I'm sorry. We don't let overdose cases shower alone, just in case."

Izzy sighed, "A nurse." He did not want his mom seeing his junk; it wasn't fuckin' happening. "Okay. She'll be here soon."

Izzy laid back down, crossing his arms with a sigh. He hopes she's at least pretty; or maybe that would be bad too...a boner in the hospital is probably frowned upon.

/ Lafayette, Indiana \
/ Axl's room \
/ Monday, June 31 - 8:53 am \

"Honey?" Axl felt someone shake his body. He was still a little groggy to respond that quick, rolling over. "Hey, it's almost nine, Bill. You need to get ready so you can go see Jeff." Axl felt that person push his hair out of his face while talking to him.

He sleepily groaned before opening his eyes to see his mom standing over him. "Good morning." She smiled at her son. "'Morning, Ma." Axl stretched before getting out of his bed. "I'm gonna drop the kids off at your grandma's house and then I'll take you there, if you want." Shannon offered.

"Oh, that's okay. I was planning on going with my friends so we can get Izzy some food anyway."

"Oh, okay. I'll stop by after work too, to see how he's doing. I'm going to go get the kids ready and start breakfast."

"Okay." Shannon smiled and left to go do what she needed to do.

Axl grabbed a pair of jeans, boxers, and Izzy's sweater, that he held closely all night long, and headed off for the bathroom. He started the shower and got in, letting the warm water hit his pale, freckled skin and hair.

Afterwards he slipped on his boxers and jeans, throwing the hoodie over his wet hair. He sloppily combed through it a couple of times before leaving the bathroom. He went into the living room and dialed Duff's number into the phone.

"Do you need money for food?" Shannon asked while putting bread into the toaster. "Uh, no, I don't think so. Duff offered to pay and he makes good money, surprisingly." Axl said while waiting for his tall friend to pick up the phone. She nods and continues cooking.

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