4: The Sudden Call

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"Honey, are you home?" Aerin's voice floated from the kitchen, the warmth of her tone washing over Seungcheol as he entered their apartment. She must have assumed it was him from the sound of the door.

Seungcheol tiptoed to the kitchen, his steps light and careful not to disturb her. He found Aerin standing at the stove, her attention focused on cooking. The aroma of pork cutlet filled the air, confirming Seungcheol's suspicions about what she was preparing.

As Aerin continued to cook, Seungcheol approached her silently, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. Aerin started slightly at the unexpected touch, her body trembling in surprise as she felt his presence behind her.

"What are you doing, Nicole?" Seungcheol inquired, using Aerin's middle name as he often did. He had always thought it suited her well.

"Making pork cutlet, your favorite," Aerin replied nonchalantly, her attention still focused on the task at hand.

Seungcheol glanced at the nearly finished cutlets, noting that they only needed some garnishing. With a gentle touch, he turned Aerin towards him and guided her to sit on the kitchen counter. As she perched there, Seungcheol tenderly brushed aside a stray strand of hair that had fallen across her face, his touch affectionate and intimate.

"Nicole, you came home from the office after working so much, and now you're cooking, why?" Seungcheol questioned, his concern evident in his voice.

Aerin smiled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection as she explained, "Since we announced our engagement today, I wanted to make your favorite food for dinner. But your favorite restaurant was closed, so I decided to make it myself."

Seungcheol couldn't help but chuckle at Aerin's explanation. Her attention to detail never ceased to amaze him, even though he sometimes wished she wouldn't overwork herself. Despite her serious demeanor, Aerin had a way of being irresistibly cute and endearing, especially when she let her guard down around him.

As Seungcheol leaned in to kiss her forehead, he reassured her, "I'm not angry. I just don't want you to overwork. Now, can we please have our dinner? Those cutlets look delicious."

With a smile, Seungcheol excused himself to the bathroom, taking a moment to reflect on his relationship with Aerin. He couldn't deny the pang of guilt he felt for not appreciating her efforts sooner.

As he soaked in the bathtub, memories of Joshua's words about Jeonghan flooded his mind. Joshua had been right; Jeonghan was perfect in every way. Yet, Seungcheol couldn't dwell on the past. He had made the right decision with Aerin, and he was determined to cherish and honor their relationship.

In Aerin, Seungcheol found a partner who shared his interests and complemented him in every way. She was calm, sweet, and devoted to him in a way he had never experienced before. With Aerin by his side, Seungcheol knew he had found his true happiness, and he was ready to make their relationship official.

As he relaxed in the warm water, Seungcheol made a silent vow to himself to treasure Aerin and their love, knowing that she was the one who would never leave him, unlike Jeonghan.

"Eat a lot, hon," Aerin chirped cheerfully as she set Seungcheol's meal in front of him. Seungcheol had always been fond of Aerin's cooking; her culinary skills never failed to impress him. When he tasted her cooking for the first time, he couldn't help but ask how she had become such a proficient chef.

"How are you so good at cooking?" he inquired, genuinely curious.

Aerin's eyes lit up with a hint of pride as she explained, "Oh, you think it's good?" Seungcheol nodded in affirmation, prompting Aerin to continue. "I learned it from my grandmother, who was a die-hard Korean and loved cooking. I also had an interest in cooking, so I watched her cook every day and learned from her."

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