14: Seungcheol Went Back

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Aerin's heart raced with disbelief as her mother's words sunk in. "Are you serious, mom? You're really putting me into a mental hospital?" she asked, her voice trembling with shock.

"Don't be a brat, Aerin. You know why I'm sending you there," Nicole replied sternly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"Why?" Aerin's voice cracked with emotion as she struggled to comprehend the gravity of her mother's decision.

"Because you killed your own father, Aerin, and that's not normal," Nicole explained, her voice tinged with sadness and concern. "You need treatment. You could become a serial killer at this rate."

Aerin felt a wave of nausea wash over her as the reality of her situation sunk in. She had killed her own father, but it had been in self-defense. How could her own mother believe she was capable of such monstrous acts?

Nicole took a deep breath, her anger momentarily subsiding as she placed her hands on Aerin's shoulders. "Look, I know the director of the asylum. He's a friend of mine," she reassured, her voice softening with sympathy. "It's just for a year, and then I promise I'll send you to England. Please, just go, Aerin."

And so, against her will, Aerin found herself admitted to the prestigious asylum, her freedom stripped away and her future uncertain. As the daughter of the asylum director's friend, she commanded a certain level of respect and fear among the other patients, but it offered little solace in her newfound confinement.

As Aerin returned from the hospital library one day, her mind consumed with thoughts of her past and uncertain future, she noticed something unusual. A group of patients, known as the typical thugs of the asylum, were attempting to bully another patient – likely a new arrival.

The leader of the group, Kang, stepped forward, his eyes narrowing with contempt as he addressed the trembling boy. "Yo kiddo, I don't have much time," he sneered. "So give us all your money before we take it from you in our own way."

The boy's eyes widened in fear as he pleaded for mercy. "Please, my mother has just sent it to me," he begged. "What will I have for the rest of the month?"

Desperation etched into his voice, the boy scanned the surroundings and caught sight of Aerin standing at a distance, watching the scene unfold. With a last glimmer of hope, he appealed to her for help. "Please help me, ma'am," he implored. "I'm requesting, please help me once."

Aerin sighed, torn between her desire to avoid confrontation and her instinct to help those in need. The boy's plea tugged at her heartstrings, and she knew she couldn't simply stand by and do nothing. With determined steps, she approached the group, her gaze fixed on Kang, the apparent leader.

"Leave him, Kang," Aerin commanded, her voice steady and unwavering. "If you don't want me to report you to the director and take you to the special treatment room, leave the poor boy alone."

Kang's lips curled into a mocking smile as he scoffed at Aerin's threat. "You really think you'll scare me like that, bitch?" he taunted. "Who are you, huh? Do you even know who I am?"

Aerin's expression remained stoic as she met Kang's gaze head-on. "I do," she replied calmly, her voice laced with a quiet confidence. "But I think you need to know who I am. I'm Nicole Park, the director's relative. So you better watch your tongue, Kang."

"Park? That psycho who killed her own father?" Kang's eyes widened in shock as Aerin revealed her identity, his bravado faltering in the face of her authority. With a muttered curse, he released the trembling boy and hastily retreated with his group, leaving behind a trail of apprehension and relief.

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