The Last Straw

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Well Rin and Yukio were having a fight.


But it's more worse than the other fights they had. Because usually would forgive each other.

But now...Not so much...

Yukio: You don't get it, do you! Nii-san, you have 6 months to complete your exorcists exam! But if you don't you'll be executed if you fail!!

Rin: I get it, four eyes!!! Stop reminding me!!!

Yukio: No Nii-san, you don't...Always jumping in fights...Never think before you act...You call that being an exorcist?! If you want to be an exorcist, take it seriously, otherwise you can fail my class!!

Rin: There you go, acting like I can't deal with the consequences! What do you think I been doing. Sitting here laying my ass off while you work? No! I've been through intense training with Shura! I may not be good in class! But at least I'm trying!

Yukio: Rin, why can't you get it?!! Father Fujimoto intrusted me to protect you! Why can't you understand that?!

Rin: No one ask for your damn protection, I can take care of myself. Stop acting like I need someone to take care of me! You are not my Mom!!

Yukio: Idiot...


Yukio: Our Mom is dead because of you!! You also killed Father! You can't take anything seriously!! As a matter of fact why are you even here?!! To joke around, to make friends!!! Rin, get it through that thick head of yours!!! This is a school full of exorcists! Everyone takes their job seriously!! But you can't! Taking everything like a joke! Because of your idiotic decision, now everyone knows your Satan's bastard son! Those blue flames of yours burn people! They even kill!!! Ya know what, do us all a favor and never exist! Because your entire existence is a nuisance!!!! I always have to clean up after your mess whenever you make a stupid decision! You're not good at anything! Only cooking is the only thing you're good at. But you can't even get a job at that!!! So stop acting like you can protect everyone!!! Maybe even for me and Father Fujimoto, it's best you were dead!!!



Yukio: (Oh-no...What have I done...)


Rin: Forget it....if that's how you feel....Then it's best that I was never around....

Yukio: No...Rin...I...

Rin: SHUT-UP!!!! You think I wanted to be a demon?! You think I wanted to be a walking candle?! Do you think I'm really responsible for everything that has happend?! Do you think I actually wanted to be a ticking time bomb waiting to explode! NO!!! I wanted to be human! But it seems that you or the others don't treat me as one anyway!!

Yukio: ?!!

Rin: Damn....After all try to do for you and everyone else...You still don't appreciate me...Always thinking that I don't matter to you anymore...Well fine...If that's what you want...Then I will just leave!

Yukio: No Rin! You can't leave!!!

Rin: Watch Me!!!

Rin walks into his room and begins to pack all his things. He sees Kuro sleeping. He has no idea where he's going to go. But he'll talk to Mephisto about it. He'll know what to do. He then grabs his familiar who woke up.

Kuro: Rin?

Rin: Kuro. Get up. We're leaving.

Kuro: Okay. But where we are going?

Rin: Somewhere far away from Yukio.

The Cat Sith hops on Rin's arm as Rin pack Kuro's cat food. As he finish packing, he grabs his things and prepare to leave.

He was just about to open the door until something click. He turn his head and notice Yukio with a gun in hand.

Yukio: I can't let you leave Nii-san!

Rin: Stop it, Yukio. It's my decision and that's final.

Yukio: No it isn't, you're staying!

Kuro hisses at Yukio!

Kuro: How dare you point your gun at my master!

It's too bad Yukio don't know what the cat sith is saying.

Rin: You can't control my life Yukio! After all your suppose to be my younger brother. But it seems that all you see me as a nuisance that should've have never been born! All you see me as a demon. Not the brother you always thought you had. After all you don't even care about me...

Yukio cried.

Yukio: Nii-san, please I'm sorry! Please don't leave me!!!

Rin: It's too late Yukio. Maybe you should've thought of that before you decided to hate me.

Yukio: But I never said I...

Rin: Yes you did. Don't kid yourself. You said it yourself. Remember 'It's best that you turn myself into the vatician or just die'! Don't you remember?! You even blame me for everything! Espically the old man's death. You even forget your Satan's son as well even if your human. That's it, Yukio I've had enough. So now I'm leaving. I can just get away from the people that hate me and go to a place where people do care for me.

Yukio: No Rin please. I can't lose you.

Rin: You're pathetic. It's too late. Too fucking late!!

Yukio: Nii-san please!


Rin slapped Yukio acrossed the face which shock him as his glasses fell off his face.

Rin: Don't ever call me that again, you traitor! You never cared about me, I see it! I trusted you with my life and you threw it away! You're a coward and a liar and I hate you! I hate you! How dare you treat me like a burden as if it always my fault! How could you?!! I should have died that day...The day you pointed your gun at me...Why was I condemn to this...The world has already turned it's back on me...Espically you....


Rin walks out of the dorms with Kuro leaving Yukio behind ignoring his pleads for Rin to come back.

Ever since that fight, Yukio never saw Rin again.

For Rin, It was the last straw.

The End.

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