Did Anyone Care?

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Satan went over to the secret room that Mephisto told him about.

Satan: So this is where he been after all this time...I can't believe this was all planned by Mephisto...

He made his way towards the bed where his oldest twin son is at. Satan stared at him while Rin sleeps. Kuro was sitting next to him nearby watching him...Like a night guard...

Satan: Here.

He puts the kurikara next to Rin towards his heart. He then made a hand sign.

Satan: Seal!

The Kurikara bursted in flames surrounding Rin transforming him back to his demonic features regaining them once more.

Satan watched as Rin shuddered feeling the familiar energy surged through him.

Kuro: Rin?

Satan looked at the Cath Sidhe.

Satan: He'll be alright.

Satan smiled for the first time.

Satan: There. You should be able to get your memories back at the time you wake up.

He continue watching as Rin started sleeping peacefully.

He sighed as he pulls out a clawed hand and gently rubbed his son's hair. He can't stay here much longer. That was part of the deal. He only wished he could've spent much time with his sons.

Satan had filled his thoughts with so many what if's. Like what if Yuri was alive? What if he could've make it in time to take his sons to Gehenna? What if they weren't raised by the priest?

He then looked back at his son. He just can't believe how much pressure Rin must of went through because of those Exorists including the one that is his other son Yukio. To which he was so ashamed of his youngest son who acted more like a monster instead of a demon or human towards his own brother who did nothing to him. Rin was blamed for everything because of his own doing.

Satan: But did anybody care? Those humans. And they say I'm a monster. Yes. Of course I am. But my son, he's different from me...I'm sorry Rin...It's my fault...Everything...I've should been a better father...But now it's too late....

Satan lean towards Rin and kissed his forhead affectionly. This caused Rin to stir in his sleep.

Satan: I should go now...Those exorcists should be here soon...I wish I could take you with me...But that isn't part of the deal...Damn you Mephisto...

Satan walked away from the bed taking one last look at his sleeping son before disappearing hoping that Rin would have a more better future.

Satan: Yuri, I played my part...For now I'll let our sons play their roles in a new era.


Yukio and the exwires made towards the bedroom where Rin was sleeping.

Bon: So this is where Mephisto said that Rin has been ever since he disappeared last year.

Konekomaru: Yeah. At the bottom of True Cross Academy. Right under our noses.

Shima: Go figure...

Izumo: Look it's Kuro!

Shiemi: Kuro!!

The blonde girl went towards the cat who hissed at her. She flinched a little...

Shiemi: Kuro, it's okay, it's us.

The Cat Sidhe still hissed at her.

Yukio: Shiemi. I believe Kuro is angry at us for what we did to Rin.

Shiemi: Oh...

Yukio: Kuro, it's okay...We came to make amends to Rin.

Kuro stop hissing but glared at the exwires before moving outta the way.

They all heard a moan and looked towards Rin who begins to wake up. They were all shock. He had his demonic features back. Along with the Kurikara next ot him.

Shiemi: Rin!

Rin looked at Shiemi.

Rin: S-Shiemi?!

Shiemi: You remember!!!

She ran towards him and hug him. The exwires all tackled him and grouped hug him as well.

Bon: Geez you idiot. We were all worried about you.

Shima: Bon, that's not nice. But he has a point Rin.

Konekomaru: We are all sorry, we didn't mean to hurt you, we were just scared of your blue flames.

Izumo: Okay okay, I think that's enough hugging.

Bon: Who asked you?!

Rin: You guys...Do you guys really care...Or am I just a tool for you all...

The exwires gasped as they looked down guilty.

Bon: Rin...We are all really sorry...

Shima: We treated you like crap...

Izumo: What we did was unforgiveable...

Konekomaru: We should've treated you more better...

Shiemi: We were idiots...So Rin...Please be our friend again!!

Rin: Everyone...

Rin made a smile. They actually cared...He then looked at Yukio.

Yukio: N-Nii-san...I...

Rin: It's okay...I forgive you...I mean Yukio we all make mistakes...But sometimes you just have to be careful with what you say...Because I'm still Rin...

Yukio had tears falling from his eyes...

Yukio ran towards him and hug him then cried again. He didn't cared if the exwires see him...

Yukio: I'm so sorry!!! I'm sorry for everything!! I've been a horrible brother ignoring your feelings and blaming you for things!! Just please know I still care!!! Onii-chan!!!

Rin smiles as he pats his brother's back. He had a few tears fallen from his eyes and makes a big grin.

The exwires and Kuro smiles at the scene.

The Bond between the Okumura Brothers had formed again.

The End.

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