Goodbye Forever Rin...

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Yukio was horrified as the exwires told their story...

Rin is...Gone...

As in...Never coming back....

Don't even exist?

Yukio: B-But how?! How can he not exist! How can no one believe that he had never came to True Cross?!!

Shima: C-Calm down teach! We really don't know.

Bon: He's got a point. We tried our best to find Rin. But....

Izumo: Maybe we might as well break it to him...Mr.Okumura...It started out like this.


The exwires went to the other side of the school where the normal classes are being held.

Even though True Cross Academy is a School for Exorcists.

It was also a school where normal people who don't believe in demons come there to learn.

The exwires stopped in front of a class: Biology.

Konekomaru: Are you sure about this Miss Moriyama?

Shiemi: I'm sure this is the class Rin takes every day at 11:30 am.

Shima: Okay, let's go in then.

Izumo: You idiot! You can't just walk into a classroom. What if the Teacher giving a lecture?

Bon: Let's just try anyway.

Bon knocks on the door.

The teacher opens the door. The teacher was a man in his late-20's. He had short dark hair and brown eyes. He wore an average uniform shirt with black pants and brown shoes.

Teacher: Can I help you?

Bon: We are here to see Rin Okumura. But if he's not in this class, then can you gives a pinpoint to where he's location. We want to talk to him. It's an emergency.

The teacher look confused and stared at them.

Teacher: Rin....Okumura?

The exwires nodded.

Teacher: I'm sorry but there's no Rin Okumura in my class.

Bon: What?

Shima: Y-You're kidding right?

Izumo: (...What's going on?)

Shiemi: But this is where Rin takes classes around 11:30, I was sure of it.

Teacher: I'm sorry but...I don't even know who Rin Okumura is...Is he a student here at True Cross?

The exwires froze.

....What The Fuck...Is Going On?

The exwires ran into the teacher's room.

Teacher: Hey!!!

The exwires stood in front of the students who look confysed by their appearance.

Bon walked up to a male student.

Bon: Hey! Do you Rin Okumura?

Boy: Umm? No...

Bon: You're lying! You have to be!

Boy: I'm not lying! Please put me down!

Shima: What about you?

Girl: No. Whose Rin Okumura?

Boy 2: I don't know?

Girl 2: A new student? Here at True Cross?

Boy 3: That's weird we don't have anyone here named Rin Okumura at True Cross. Not even in class or in seminars.

The exwires are in shock. They backed up from the students. The students stared at them as they kept backing up.

Bon: (Why is everyone staring?!)

Shima: (They...Don't know...Rin?

Konekomaru: (What's going on?!)

Izumo: (We need to get outta here)

Shiemi: (...Rin, where are you?!)

The exwires ran out of the class leaving the confused teacher and students.

Around that time, they kept asking others where Rin was. But they kept getting the same reaction.

....Whose Rin Okumura?

The exwires were baffled and befallen...

Rin is...Gone...

Flashback End


Shima: And after that Miss Moriyama decided to break the news to ya.

Yukio: Rin...

Yukio couldn't believe it...The only family he had left was gone...And it was all his fault...


It was Nighttime, everyone was huddled outside mourning the lost of Rin.

A/N: Read the poem on stop...It's a sad poem that will make you cry!

Also not just Rin...Kuro was gone too.

The exwires were wondering what happend to the Son of Satan and his familiar...

But what does it matter...

They lost a friend...

But to Yukio he lost a brother...

Due to their stupidity and somewhere along between the bitterness.

Rin has disappeared off the face of Assiah.

Possible to never be seen again.

The exwires had tears in their eyes.

Rin was gone and the only thing they had of him was their memory.

Shiemi and the exwires begin to cry hoping Rin would hear their pleas and come back.

Yukio couldn't hold his tears himself as he look out at the Moonlight...Seeing a face of Rin before it vanishes..

A/N: Don't say goodbye by Skillet. Please play the song while this story finishes.

Rin was like a shattered memory.

That would soon be forgotten.

At first when you say love him...

He realized you never did...

Never talk about his feelings...

Yukio remembers all the times he played with Rin during their childhood. But all of those memories were all faded away. He lost his brother. Because of his anger. He ways thought he hated Rin. But in truth, he hated himself. He was such a coward. He failed Rin. He failed Father Fujimoto. And the only person he can blame is himself. It was the Final Straw.

Yukio then broke down.


Yukio then cried in the grass. He hasn't cried this much since he was a child. He misses Rin and now he's never coming back...

And it was all their fault.

Mostly Yukio's for never being there for Rin.

...If only he could take it back everything...The secrets....The bullying...The isolation...Everything...

Yukio: Where are you Rin...I miss you...

The End

A/N: Sorry but this is the end of the story. But I might make a sequel. See ya later.

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