Left Alone To Cry

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Yukio now understand...

His Nii-san was ignoring him...

Ha...The irony...But after all he deserved it...

Because of all the hurtful things that his big-mouth sprouted when he had that fight with his brother...

He deserved every part of it...

But he still didn't understand...

Why was his brother like this...

He remember all the fights his brother get into...

How his brother was kicked out of school when they were young...

Or maybe it was because he was the Son of Satan..

He wanted to know...

The Next Day...When it was raining...He saw Rin again...

Yukio: Rin...


Yukio: I came to talk to you...I wanted to apologize for my behavior...It was not in my right mind to speak to you that way...But I'm your brother so no matter what I learned my lesson...So can you forgive me?

Yukio felt a tiny bit of hope for seeing if his brother would accept his apology...

Rin: No.

Yukio: No?!

Rin: No.

Yukio was in shock when his brother said that...Then he got angry...

Yukio:So your still upset with me?! Can't you let it go?!

Rin: Shut Up!! You stupid moley four eyes...Why don't ya just leave!!

(Song: So cold by Ben Cocks, please play the music video on top while the brothers have this conversation)

Yukio: Nii-san...I....

Rin: Leave Me Alone!!!

Yukio: Was it my fault?

Rin: You are the one to blame...

Rin then gets angry

Rin: Everytime I try to do something for you...You always just think I screw it up later...Never credit or even a thank you...

Yukio: I never thought about it like that...

Rin: You never thought at all!!!

The two brothers looked at each other in silence. Yukio looks at Rin with a shock expression while his brother had a mixture look between a sad and mad face. Tears was streaming down his face.

Rin: You have no idea. How much I been in pain these last few months! To have my own brother...Despise me for something I am...A demon...You caused my heart to bleed in and you still owe me a reason...Which I can't figure out why you hate me so much!

Yukio: Nii-san...I don't...

Rin: Stop kidding yourself! Stop lying!

Yukio: I do love you Nii-san...

Rin:....You're lying...

Yukio: Nii-san...

Rin: SHUT UP!!! You have no idea how much it hurts to have the only family left to say that he hates you! All because I'm the Son of Satan! Hell...You lied to me. You kept secrets from me! We were suppose to be brothers...All the time I protected you from the bullies when we were kids...They still harrassed me...But I didn't care what they did to me. I wouldn't let no one hurt my brother...

Yukio gasps. So that's why his brother is still fighting all the time. Because he wanted to still protect Yukio from his childhood bullies. Yukio felt guilty. He remember all the times he and his father always critized Rin without giving a second thought. None of them considered how Rin felt to be told that way...

Yukio: Nii-san...

Rin: Don't talk to me I don't to hear a word...Espically not from you...Ya know I wanted you to have the prefect life. Because you had friends. You had good grades. You gotten into a good highschool you even wanted to becone a doctor. But instead you became an exorcist. You kept dark secrets from me. Without even bother to think about how I felt at all for this.

Yukio: That's because I wanted to protect you!

Rin: BULL-SHIT!!! Do not even tried that excuse again. You lied to me. You desiped me. You even tried to kill me!! Your always leaving me behind! I don't even see you as my brother anymore!

Yukio: I'm sorry...

Rin: Just get outta my sight! I never want to see you again!!!

Yukio: We can't live without you...I can't live without you...

Rin: You'll move on eventually...

Yukio: I do love you...

Rin: You NEVER did...

Rin begins to walk away but Yukio stopped him by pulling him into a hug...

Rin: Let go of me! I'm never going back to Cram School! You all hate me!

Yukio: Nii-san! Please! Give us another chance!

Rin: I said let go of me!!!

The two brothers wrestled as Rin tried to get outta Yukio's grip. But his younger twin pulled him close.

Rin begins to cry as he starts pounding on Yukio's chest.

Rin: Why! Why is it always me!!

Yukio: I'm sorry Nii-san...I'm sorry I was never there for you. I'm sorry for blaming you for everything...

Rin kept crying as Yukio hold him.

But then Rin pulled away.

Rin: I'm still not coming back...

Yukio: But Rin!

Rin: You all had your chance. Goodbye Yukio.

Yukio: Rin, no!

Before he could reach Rin, a blue fiery wall blocked his path as he stared in shock. The wall then vanished and so did Rin.

Yukio could only stared with tears in his eyes. He broke down on the street, he lost his brother again. This time it could be for good. Rin was gone and Yukio was alone to cry...

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