Chapter 7 - The Flairies

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A/N: Heyy everyone! Just fyi, I will be out of town for the next week so I won't be updating. I'll come back on the 16th, if I arrive in time and have energy then I might update then, otherwise see you on the 20th <3


Hongjoong and Yeosang both flew backwards from the sudden impact coming from the wardrobe as its doors flew open and bright light engulfed the attic. The two boys landed between the boxes, knocking them over and creating a mess of fabrics, thread and other stuff on the floor.

'Holy shit, that hurt!' groaned Yeosang and pushed the materials off of himself, standing up. He held his hand out to Hongjoong and pulled the older up too, then the two of them turned back towards the wardrobe. Its doors were once again closed, but in front of the wardrobe three glowing dots were floating. Hongjoong and Yeosang went closer curiously. They couldn't believe their eyes.

'Oh my! Tiny magic creatures!' gasped Yeosang trying to poke the floating things with his index finger. They were three small boys, glowing brightly and sparkling as they floated. They were about the size of the boys' palm. One of them screeched hearing Yeosang's words and hid behind the other's back.

'WHERE??!' he yelled. The other one looked around.

'Oh, cute small ones??' he asked excitedly. The middle boy rolled his eyes.

'I think he is talking about us, guys.' The two tiny boys on his two sides gasped.

'That's rude!!' exclaimed the first one.

'Uhm, hi!' greeted them Hongjoong, leaning closer. 'I'm Hongjoong and this is Yeosang! Are you guys... fairies?' he asked.

'Nah! We are not fairies! Fairies have wings. We don't have wings' explained the one with dark hair that had highlights in it. 'We are flairies!'

'Maybe I smoked something on the plane' thought out loud Hongjoong, shaking his head in disbelief.

'I'm Wooyoung' introduced himself the flairy, acting as if he didn't hear it. 'And this is San and that's Mingi' he added, gesturing at the others. Wooyoung wore pink clothes with his oreo colored hair. If he were a bit bigger, like human-sized, Hongjoong would've thought he was a model. San (he was the one who started the conversation with a scream) had lighter pink clothes and even his hair was pink, while Mingi wore purple clothes and had blonde hair.

'And you guys really have... powers? Like, magic powers?' asked Yeosang. San gestured towards the wardrobe.

'Take a look inside the Glitterizer!' he said excitedly. Yeosang stepped to the wardrobe unsure and opened it while mumbling something about what the fuck is a Glitterizer. His jaw dropped when he saw the dress they put inside previously.

'This is... gorgeous!' he gasped and carefully took the dress and showed it to Hongjoong. It looked just like before, but now it was sparkling. The colors of the fabrics seemed to be even more vibrant and in general, the whole dress looked like if it was brought to life straight out from a fairytale. Pardon me, flairytale.

'Woah, this is crazy!' You guys did this?' exclaimed Hongjoong. The flairies nodded in excitement.

'Look! Like this!' said Wooyoung and raised his hands. Sparkles shot out of his fingers and the dress instantly became shinier. Mingi did the same thing too, then San lifted his hand too. A single sparkle jumped out of his hand but it faded out before it would've reached the dress. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

'I'm still learning' he mumbled.

'Who made this dress?' asked Wooyoung. Yeosang raised his hand shyly. 'Oh, so you are the designer! It's an honor working with you!' said the flairy and he flew over to Yeosang, shaking hands. Well, he actually shook the boy's index finger since he was too tiny to actually shake hands. 'It's a wonderful dress! We loved it!'

'Please, I just made a simple dress, you made it so extra!' said Yeosang.

'We only work with clothes that we like!' said San quickly. 'It was perfect already, we just added some small touches.'

'And when you don't have anything to do you live in the wardrobe?' asked Hongjoong.

'Duh, obviously not!' said Mingi. 'We travel around the world and go wherever people need us!'

'But this wardrobe and salon is our base. We always come back here to recharge. We came to life in this salon and this is the source of our power!' explained Wooyoung. Hongjoong and Yeosang exchanged a worried glance.

'So, uh, if this place is the source of your powers then wouldn't it be bad if on Friday they would clear the house out and make a hotdog restaurant out of it?' asked Hongjoong slowly.

'Pffft, hotdog restaurant?!' Wooyoung let out a screeching laughter, the other two following his example immediately. Hongjoong and Yeosang were waiting for them to stop awkwardly.

'That was a good joke' laughed Mingi, then his laughter faded when he realized that the boys weren't laughing. 'That was... a joke, right?' he asked in a tiny voice.

'I'm afraid it's not' said Yeosang. They could see Wooyoung's face darkening from anger.

'How could they-?!' he asked angrily.

'They have gone bankrupt. Their clothes are outdated and-' began explaining Hongjoong.

'Enough! Who is the leader of this company and where can we find them?!' screeched San. The three flairies lined up next to each other.

'Umm, Uncle Jackson and he is downstairs in the office-' started Yeosang, but they didn't even let him finish as suddenly three sparkling dots flew past the two boys. They just continued standing there dumbfounded with the sparkly dress still in their hand.

'Shouldn't we go after them?' questioned Yeosang.

'We should. Jackson hyung might smash them thinking they are flies or something. Plus they seem to be pretty aggressive' cringed Hongjoong. Yeosang nodded in agreement and the two of them sprinted downstairs after the flairies.


A/N 2.0: Thank you for reading, see you in the next part! Take care! <3

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