Chapter 9 - The First Dress

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'His name is Jackson-'


'I'm Hongjoong!!'

Hongjoong and Yeosang were sprinting down the stairs after the flairies but the three little shits were flying so fast that it was impossible for them to keep up with their pace.

Jackson, hearing the noise, turned around from what he was doing. As the three tiny floating sparkling boys stopped directly in front of his face, he gasped out of surprise and dropped the box he was holding and he almost fell backwards (since he was still wearing the pair of pink roller skates).

'What the-' he whispered and leaned closer. The three flairies were fuming. Despite their cute looks Jackson was sure they are up to no good. At least when it comes to him, even though he had no idea what he could've done to have three magic creatures get so mad at him.

'Wait, let us explain!' arrived Yeosang with Hongjoong right behind him panting, still holding the dress. Jackson looked at them expectantly. 'Okay... hyung, you explain' shied away suddenly Yeosang and pushed Hongjoong in front of himself.

'Okay, so this might sound unbelievable and hilarious, but these three are the flairies' began explaining Hongjoong, immediately being cut off by a loud yell from Mingi.

'Not fairies! Because we don't have wings!!'

'Yes, whatever he said' mumbled Hongjoong. 'They have magic powers, hyung! They made Yeosang's design this sparkly and vibrant!' he added and gestured towards Yeosang who was holding the dress on the hanger. Jackson's jaw dropped.

'Holy-moly, Yeosang! You made this? You could get famous with a dress like this!' he gasped and took it carefully from Yeosang. 'I love it! All these sparkles and the colors! Awesome!' Suddenly San flew in front of Jackson.

'This building is the source of our power! If you sell it to the hotdog guy, we will lose our power forever!' he said. Jackson looked over at Hongjoong who just nodded sadly. He sighed and handed him the dress.

'Oh my! I wish we would've met sooner, maybe then I would've been able to help! But the deal was made already and it costs an arm and a leg to change the contract...'

'So... are you saying that it would be possible to save the salon?' asked Hongjoong with a hint of hope. Jackson frowned.

'I'm not saying that it's not... but to raise that much money, we would have to come up with a whole brand new collection until Friday! We would only have a few days and... I just can't design for whatever's sake' he sighed and picked the box he dropped previously up. 'I can't do anything anymore' he said.

'Anything??' asked the three flairies in sync with big frowns on their faces.

'I'm so sorry' said Jackson quietly and carefully rolled towards the back of the shop on his pink skates.

For a few seconds the two boys and the three flairies were just staring at each other in silence until it was broken by Wooyoung's dramatic wailing.

'It's over then!! On Friday the building will become a hotdog restaurant and our power will be gone!' he cried.

'You can't lose your powers!' exclaimed Hongjoong. 'We need to figure something out' he added, already thinking of a solution while staring at the dress Yeosang made.

Suddenly the bell above the door rang, indicating that someone entered the building. The boys both turned there while the flairies hid behind Yeosang's back.

'Oh, excusez-moi!!' exclaimed a female voice. A girl entered the shop. She had long blonde hair and wore a dress with black and white stripes, and a beret on her head. She looked really smart and elegant. 'I couldn't help but notice the beautiful dress through the shop window!' she said excitedly. 'Is it for sale?'

Hongjoong quickly caught on the opportunity and started improvising - something he was good at as an actor.

'Oh, yes it is, Mademoiselle! This is the newest piece of the Papillon's new collection... our new designer, Monsieur Kang's design. You're the first one to see it' he said. The lady was in awe seeing the dress and it seemed to be about her size.

'Wow! Can I maybe try it on?' she asked.

'Of course! You can change there!' pointed Yeosang towards the back where the changing rooms were. The girl took the dress from Hongjoong and walked towards the back excitedly. Hongjoong and Yeosang showed thumbs up to each other and were fidgeting in excitement.

A few minutes later the girl reappeared wearing the dress. It looked like if it was made just for her, it fitted her body just perfectly. She looked stunning in it.

'It looks awesome on you!' said Hongjoong. The lady turned towards the mirror and smiled seeing her reflection.

'It's beautiful! I remember buying a few clothes from you... I see you're renovating the building now' she looked around seeing all the boxes and the chaos in general. 'I'm looking forward to seeing the new collection, especially if it has clothes like this!' she said. 'By the way, I'd like to buy it! How much is it?' she asked.

Hongjoong quickly reached for Jackson's notebook that was thrown on the table with his other stuff. He and Yeosang exchanged a quick glance.

'That's a good question since this is the first model of the new collection' hummed Hongjoong. Then he scribbled a price on an empty page. He contemplated for a second whether it is too much or not, but he decided to risk it and showed it to the lady. 'How about this?' he asked. She checked the book and raised her eyebrows.

'Are you for real?!'

'Umm... yes?' said Hongjoong, now with a bit less confidence. To his surprise the girl chuckled.

'Oh, it costs next to nothing! I'm buying it!' she said and grabbed her purse to pay for it. Hongjoong sighed in relief. The lady paid for the dress and grabbed her things.

'I'm not even changing back! I want everyone to see me in this beautiful dress on the street! Lisa will be so jealous when she sees me in this' she chuckled and bid goodbye before leaving the shop. Hongjoong and Yeosang followed her with their eyes through the shop window and they could already see a few people turn after the stunning girl in the stunning dress.

'Oh my, did we just sell my dress??' gasped Yeosang excitedly. Hongjoong turned towards him grinning, showing up the bills.

'And she paid a shit ton of money for it as if it was nothing!!' he said, then widened his eyes. 'Yeosang, that's it! Uncle Jackson said that he can't make a new collection until Friday, but you can!! With the flairies' help and your skills we could host a fashion show on Friday and we could raise enough money to save the Papillon with a collection like this!' he rambled. The flairies nodded excitedly.

'Great idea!' screamed San.

'Wait, hold up, hyung!!' said Yeosang in panic. 'I only made one dress so far! How am I supposed to create a whole collection in a few days?' he asked.

'You can make it! You have more designs, right? And now we are going to look for inspiration for you!' grinned Hongjoong. 'So, take me to the city and let's visit all your favorite places, everything that inspires you!' he added excitedly.


A/N: I hope you liked the chapter :)) (The girl was Rosé from BP in my head, but feel free to imagine her as whoever you'd like!)

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