Chapter 10 - In The City

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A/N: I just saw Barbie this week at the movies (for future readers and time travelers, this was written at the holy moment when Barbie The Movie was released which was obviously a must see on a Barbie freak's - aka my - list) and ajssdbvfhfdbjfn it SLAYYYED!! I was a bit skeptical with Ryan Gosling as Ken at first, but he was SO FUCKIN CUTE I think I have a crush on him now UWU

Did you guys see the movie? How did you like it? I hope you thought of me when you watched it lol


Hongjoong and Yeosang spent the whole day out in the city. Hongjoong learned that Yeosang owned a motorbike (which he definitely didn't expect based on the younger's cute and innocent attire, but he was actually impressed), and luckily a spare helmet too, so they rode around on his bike.

They went to several clothing stores looking for inspiration and buying a few clothes for themselves too. They tried on many outfits and took pictures in the changing rooms. Hongjoong also did his groceries since he didn't bring that many things with himself from Los Angeles. They acted like tourists and took pictures at many places. Whenever they liked a color or something's design, they immediately snapped pictures with their phones, and Yeosang also took his sketchbook with himself so that he could sketch or write his ideas down. And believe me, he was full of ideas for the new collection.

'Should we take some pictures by the Eiffel Tower too?' asked Yeosang, munching on a hotdog they got from a stall. Hongjoong just hummed and continued staring at a tourist map he had in his hands. Yeosang looked at him concerned.

'What's wrong?' he asked. Hongjoong sighed.

'We always visited the Eiffel Tower with Seonghwa whenever we were in Paris...' he frowned. Yeosang pouted.

'I'm sorry about it' he said. Hongjoong told him earlier about what happened the day before with his job and his boyfriend. He quickly shook his head and forced a smile on his face.

'No, it's okay. He is a jerk' he said bitterly. 'Besides, I hope my friends come across him. In this state they might even murder him' he chuckled, remembering how mad Jongho and Yunho were at Seonghwa. 'So, are we going to the Eiffel Tower?'

'I mean, is it okay with you? We can go somewhere else too' suggested Yeosang.

'No, let's go there! At least I will have other memories of it too' said Hongjoong and started walking confidently. Yeosang caught up to him.

'Now that's the spirit' he grinned. 'By the way, we should go to that store too' he gestured towards a fabric shop. 'We sometimes get stuff from them and they have really nice fabrics! I need to find something in the same color as your hair! I love that color!'

Hongjoong grimaced and pinched a strand of blue hair between his fingers.

'Actually this was the hair color of my character in the film we were working on... I'll need to dye it' he sighed.

'Did your contract end completely with the company?' asked Yeosang and stepped closer to the fabric shop's displays, touching a few fabrics. Hongjoong stopped next to him.

'Yeah, they announced it already. So I don't depend on them anymore' he said. Yeosang suddenly grinned and grabbed the older's hand, pulling him towards another shop. 'What-?! Yeosang!' laughed Hongjoong while being pulled inside the store.

'We need to get you back on track again! So now we are going to grab some hair dye! Then let's have a coffee, take some more photos and we can go back to Jackson's salon to continue working' suggested Yeosang.

Hongjoong couldn't help but grin happily. Looks like he actually made a friend here too.


At the same time Seonghwa was sitting in a worn out teeny tiny van on the bumpy road towards the Pittsburgh railway station. The rain was still pouring heavily and he had some... interesting company.

'So... you guys are farmers?' he decided to start a conversation. The two guys sitting in the front seats (as he learned they were Yunho's friends, Chan and Changbin, who were nice enough to pick him up and take him to the station) nodded.

'We work with pigs!' announced the one who was sitting behind the steering wheel. If Seonghwa remembered right, he was Changbin.

'Uh yeah, I guessed that' muttered Seonghwa awkwardly. Not only because the car smelled exactly like pig shit, but also because on the seat next to him a huge pig was sitting and grunting from time to time happily while staring out the window.

'Dwaekki is coming with us everywhere! Isn't he cute? He is like a puppy to us!' said the other guy, grinning over his shoulder at Seonghwa.

'Yeah, sure, very cute' agreed Seonghwa, but he couldn't help but eye the pig suspiciously.

'Oooooh, Changbin, this is our jam!!' yelled suddenly Chan and turned the volume on the radio up, then the two of them started screaming the retro song playing, completely off-key.

Seonghwa tiredly checked his phone. There was no signal in the empty area they were driving through. As he looked outside, through the darkness and the pouring rain all he could see was fields, fields and fields. He sighed and leaned back in his seat.

Suddenly he looked up hearing the sound of something tearing apart. He gasped.

'Shit! Guys, I think your piggy is eating my jacket!' he exclaimed and tried to shoo the pig away. It legit started chewing the sleeve of his jacket which was now drenched in drool and had a hole in it. His other sleeve was still better, at least the snot of the kid on the plane had already dried. Seonghwa cringed for the millionth time that day.

'Don't worry, he always does that! He is so cute!' said Changbin. Chan turned back to Seonghwa and looked at the pig.

'Dwaekkiiiii, thank Mr Seonghwa for letting you chew his sleeve!!' he exclaimed.

That was the moment when Seonghwa seriously started questioning the two men's sanity.


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