Chapter 17 - Escape

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A/N: Thank you for 1K reads!! <33
This chapter is the only reason I didn't remove the animals completely from this book lol

Also, random rant: why tf is that the mail service sends me a message 'your package will be delivered today between 8am and 5pm', like dude, can't you be a bit more specific? Do they think I don't have a life outside of waiting for my goddamn package?? (Well, I actually don't have a life, but still, it makes my social anxiety rise when I have to wait for a package for the whole day...)


It was almost dawning. Hongjoong, Yeosang and Jackson were fast asleep, resting their heads on the table. But others were wide awake, staring out of the window curiously.

The golden retriever tilted his head. He was the one who spotted the sparkles coming out of the opposite building a few minutes ago. They were exactly the color of the sparkles that usually flew around the flairies, Wooyoung, San and Mingi. It made him wake Jackson's Jack Russell terrier, Minnie up and now the two dogs were staring out of the window.

The black cat, Wonu realized that too and he forced himself to jump off the windowsill where he was staring over to the building next to theirs. It's not like he had a crush on the neighbor's cat like how Yeosang thought. Pffft, he didn't. The other cat was a weirdo anyways. He thought that he was a tiger and kept acting like he had gone mad all day long. That's why Wonu was always sitting in the window watching him.

But now he was sitting next to the two puppies, the three of them staring over at the building of S-Class curiously. Sparkles kept coming out of the building and they blew up like fireworks. They were pink and purple, just like the flairies' clothes. Was it a sign?

Suddenly Gyu barked and stood up, rushing towards the stairs, Minnie and Wonu following him immediately. Luckily the three men sitting by Jackson's table were so knocked out that they didn't realize anything from it. The two dogs and the cat made their way down the stairs and out of the building - making your author and probably you all question the security of the Papillon, but we are in a fairytale so let's just let that slide - and they ran across the street towards the other fashion boutique.

The sparkling didn't come from the front door of the shop though. It came from the alley next to S-Class, where the dogs and the cat were faced with a small door that led inside the building.

Towards the top of the door they could see a small opening, something like a mailbox's opening, but it was bigger. It was just enough so that maybe a cat can fit through it. The three of them communicated without words (or maybe in some random animal language) and it didn't take them  long to have Minnie stand on the golden retriever's back so that the cat could jump on top of the dog-tower. Wonu squeezed himself through the opening and landed on the inside not too elegantly - at least refusing the known fact that cats are supposed to land on their paws - as he planted face first into the wooden floor.

'OH! That's Wonu!!' exclaimed San in the cage on top of the table. The cat looked up hearing his name and quickly got himself together, running up to the table and jumping up on it.

'Thank god someone got our signals!' sighed Wooyoung and floated to the lock to help Wonu with getting them out. He pointed towards the other desk. 'Look! There's the key!' he pointed it out. Wonu turned around and jumped off the table again, going for the key and grabbing it between his teeth.

'I'm actually thankful Jackson taught him all these stupid tricks' mumbled Mingi, watching Wonu come back to them with the key. With the help of the cat the flairies could easily leave the cage, even though it took a bit of time seeing that the key was almost as big as them.

'The magic- ughhh- on Hyunjin's clothes- ughhh- isn't stable- UGHHH' explained Wooyoung as they tried to turn the huge key in the lock.

'The clothes are going to turn to dust soon' said Mingi. 

'And that bitch didn't let us go after we did what he wanted!' added San. 'And we don't know when will the magic break so we need to leave as soon as possible!' With one last movement they managed to unlock the door from the other side and they floated out of the cage.

'THANK YOU FOR SAVING US, KITTY!!' exclaimed San and hugged Wonu's head happily, burying his face in the cat's fluffy fur.

'Cool, everything is fine so far, but let's hurry! They can't find us here!' said Mingi and the weird group made their way back towards the door.


A/N 2.0: Sorry for the shorter chap! If you think this chapter was a fever dream, just imagine how the story would've been if I followed the Barbie movie completely and made animal characters that can talk and design clothes and even sew. It would be a complete nightmare lol

Anyways, see you in the next chapter - it's not long till SeongJoong reunite again!!

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