Straighten up!

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I do not own Austria from Hetalia!

Just a Heads up,

alright then,

Have fun dancing, k?

XxDarkSpectresxX out!

" Stand straight, girls. You all look like slouching zombies!" Said The Instructor, Her face bleak with emotionlessness. I got up on my toes and raised my arms to the sky and began walking on them. I slowly and gracefully beat them up and down like a swans wings. The Instructor walked up to me, obviously impressed with what I was doing.

"Smaller steps, (Y/N), This isn't a class for elephants, I want swans ." She smiled obnoxiously. I just really wanted to smack that smirk off that devil woman's face.

But I simply just responded with a nod and a " Yes, Ms.Tina."

"Alright, good." She said as she walked off to go Insult the girl next to me who happened to be my best friend, Jasper MacCrawforde. I ignored the fact that she was calling her a klutz, and just continued on Improving my "elephant steps."

"Alright girls, I know this is a Bit late, but we will be having a Swan Lake Dance recital in A couple of days, I want you to practice and become perfect, Because there is gonna be a famous Pianist coming to play for us, I won't forget to thank him for taking the time to play for us, So many Dance studios have requested him, but now we have him playing at the world famous and Pointe-notorious dance studio, Cathleen Halters Contemporary Academy of Dance." She smiled.

" Do you mean that pianist that you brought in last time that passed out on the Piano by Act 2? Cuz he's not that great if you ask me..." Snickered Jasper.

"No, Jasper, Darling, Mr. Wilson was very tired..." She rolled her eyes.

"Then who is it?" Asked Another girl, Named Meg.

"His Name Is Rodrich Edelstein. They call him Austria?" She said as she shrugged.

"No way! He's a nation! I know him! Austria, Rings a bell, now!" Said Emily Excitedly.

"Emily, I'm happy that you know who Mr. Edelstein is, but please, for the sake of everything, Don't blurt out, Understood?" Said Ms.Tina. Emily sighed and shook her Head.

"Okay, well, Its time to close up shop now, Mr. Edelstein is sure to show up for Practice by tommorow, High Hopes for Emily and Have a nice evening." Said


I got changed in the change room, grabbed my bag and waited for Emily, Jasper and Meg. Once everyone was dressed in they're normal Clothing, we all waled home together.


"So, who Exactly is this Edelstein guy?" I asked, Completely oblivious to the ongoing conversation going on next to me. Emily looked at me with an 'Are you serious' face.

"Dude, Don't you ever listen to classical music? Rodrich is my favorite Pianist, ya? I love the music he plays, T'is the sound of heaven." Said Emily.

"Ya like Mr. Wilson, right?" Laughed Jasper, as she began clapping like a retarded seal.

"Mr. Wilson is out of the question, Jasper, Edelstein plays like a champ, while Mr. Wilson plays like a, Well, exactly what he is, An old fart alcoholic who can see straight." Said Emily.

"Too bad, Mr. Wilson was a great guy..." Said Jasper, catching her breath.

"Mr. Wilson is still alive." I said.

"Oh, There goes all the high hopes, that guy is a big- time asshole." Said Jasper.

I couldn't agree more, to be honest.

We eventually reached all of our houses, continueing the conversation about the 'Attractive' and 'Famous' Rodrich 'Austria' Edelstein.

"Good Evening, honey! Your foods on the Table, Still hot! Its your favorite!" Said My Mother as she turned from the counter, Looking at me , smiling.

"Thanks, I'll be in my room for a couple of minutes putting my stuff away, okay?" I said as I dashed up the stairs and threw myself on my bed face first, untying my bun composed of my (H/C) Hair and a crap load of bobby pins.

"Fine by me." Sighed my mother. I threw my dance bag in my hoard of a closet, grabbed my phone and looked up a picture of this Edelstein guy. And what I saw was not what I expected him to look like At all. I expected him to be a look- Alike compared to Mr. Wilson, Old, Fat, Looking like he was hit in the face with a frying pan. Emily was as right as anything could be,

This guy was attractive as hell,

And he was coming to our dance studio!

'Pep talk,(Y/N), Don't screw up, or you'll ruin it for yourself!' I thought. Practice was't an option, It was nessesary if I wanted to look good in front of him.

I flopped on my back in my bed and Smiled, turning off my phone in the process.

"Wow..." I sighed as I broke my promise and fell asleep, Thinking about Rodrich Edelstein, and put pressure on myself to perform at my finest, even at the practices.

Swan Lake No2 in  B Major (Austria x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now