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That's all I can say. He ran his hands up and down my waist till he fell asleep, our chests dangerously close to each others. Soon after that, I ended up falling asleep as well. The warmth was so calming, the easiest I've probably fallen asleep in a long time. In the back of my mind, I wondered what Dezzy and Ivan were up to. On the other hand I didn't want to know. I woke to to pots and pans crashing onto the ground in the kitchenette, that just so happened to be right in front of Rodrich's door. It had to be Gilbert. Rodrich was still fast asleep, so I decided to leave him to sleep and see what Gilbert was doing in the kitchen to make such noise. 

     Slipping into my clothes I had worn the previous night prior to Rodrich and I's endeavors, I quietly made  my way to the door , tip toeing bare foot on the cold marble floors.  As soon as I opened the door, there was the strange white haired man , cutlery scattered among him as well as 3 different saucepans and what seemed to be boxed pancake mix. He looked up at me with worried looking eyes and a sheepish smile.

     "It seems as if I had made this mess, isn't that crazy...?" He chuckled as he brushed off the flour off his tattered shorts. I raised and eyebrow.

   " You need help there, Bud?" I kneeled and  picked up a couple of pans, setting them down on the still dusty counter. 

  "yeah, aha... Thank you."

I gave a gentle smile. "You're welcome." He soon shared the same smile and kneeled down with me to pick up the pans as well, speaking under his breath. 

  "Whats was that? " 

  " Oh, nothing, I'ts just, I haven't seen Rodrich so... alive is so long." 

"Really, eh?" I muttered under my breath, going to rab the broom in the corner of the room to sweep up the rest of the mess.  He nodded in correspondence to my question. 

" I've lived with him a while. I know him rather well. He used to be moody with me, now he treats me a lot better." I gave a slight nod and a smirk. 

" Glad that I could be a good part in his life." I said as I picked up the dust pan , throwing the excess pancake mix away. "Could you pick up the box on the floor there?" I asked politely, and he did, setting it on the counter. I layed the broom back in the corner, and proceeded to clean the counter tops now, tossing the leftover flour in the sink and washing it down with the tap. 

"Do you still want pancakes..? " I asked. 

"Um, yes please." He smiled wider, sitting on the chair, tipping it on its hind legs, rocking back and forth.

"Alright then, I'll get started on those for you then." I beamed over my shoulder at  him.  His face got all blushy as he nodded and laid his hands in his lap. 

~                                                                        ~                                                                                                                  ~

  Gilbert ate them like an animal, drowning them in his favorite combination of maple syrup and melted butter. He thanked me, and gave a hearty your welcome, setting mine and Rodrich's pancakes on a plate, some maple syrup on the side, all in a silver plated tea tray.  I opened the door and took  a step in, shutting it from behind me. A small bell on the tea tray just so happened  to be my savior. I gave it a gentle jingle, and he rubbed his droopy eyes, rolling over on his other side, his legs sprawled across the bed. 

"Rodrich.." I uttered, approaching the bed, ringing the bell once again.He bolted up and looked directly at me with wide , beady lavender eyes. I didn't notice before, but his forehead was glistening of fresh morning terror sweat, his chest rising and falling rather quickly. 

  " Y- you're here.. safe.." His voice quivered.

"Yes I am.." I made my way to the bed, ringing the bell again. " I made you pancakes, if that helps in any way."

 He put his glasses on , blinking to clear his sight a bit, quirking the corner of his mouth slightly. "Thank you, Liebling."  I handed him the tray and scooted closer.

"What happened?"

"A horrid dream." I frowned at hearing that. It frequented me often as well. Mostly to be doing with abandonment. 

"I'm here, you're okay, I promise." I said, reaching for his hand, that also happened to be drenched in sweat. He responded with a nod and a deep breath, pouring his maple syrup on his pancakes. 

    Another loud crash caused Austria to jerk, getting maple syrup all over his left hand. "Jesus...! Gilbert!!"

Gilbert replied from the kitchen, "Sorry.." Rodrich sulked at his now soiled had. 

"Give me your hand." I held a hand out for him to hand me his hand. 

"Why, It's disgusting.. " He muttered as he got up and made his way to the washroom, holding his hand out like it was a disease. I got up  quickly and stood in his way. 

" Lemme clean that for you, " I smiled.  

" (Y/N), Again, why-.." He stopped midway in his sentence when I grabbed his wrist and slowly slid two fingers of his in my mouth, looking up at him lwith the eyes of a charming doe. A breath left him, quivering once again, his eyes half lidded and starving already. "Just what do you think youre doing..?~"

"Cleaning them off for you," I said, sliding the other two into my mouth. 

"Dirty girl..~~" He chuckled as he pushed me up against the wall, chest to chest, as dangerously as close to him as I was before, this time ,  he was a lot more desperate this time. 

"I know," I gave him a dirty smirk. He leaned over my shoulder, clutching a handful of my hair, bringing his lips to my ear.

"You know, you could be wetting something else other than my fingers if you really wanted to.~"

Swan Lake No2 in  B Major (Austria x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now