Basic signs of jelousy

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It kept me up all night, I couldn't stop thinking about it.
That kiss,
When he told me he loved me,
The way his lips tasted on mine.
Woah... okay first things first I gotta get up out of bed, and then I gotta chill, for real. As I swung my legs over my bed, I felt my feet touch the cold wooden floor as my legs tensed up. I sighed, still thinking about Rodrich as I sighed, standing up stretching my back and getting ready for yet another day of dance, hard core and merciless in all its glory.

Tommorow is the day that I will preform in front of thousands...

Time Skippo brought to you by solidified milk (cheese)

I threw my Pointe shoes in my dance bag and zipped it up quickly, in a rush to get things done and get to see Rodrich sooner. My mother, obviously caught off guard by this looks at me with a soft gaze and finally says...

"What's the rush, dear?"
I didn't hesitate to answer her.

"Just want to get to dance early, do something productive and make us do great things in the future." I explained. She nodded and continued to clean dishes. There was an apple on the counter so I grabbed it, put it in my mouth, slipped on some black flats and ran to catch the bus.

Another Time Skippo brought to you by your beloved machine, Couterdroid♡

"... And so I threw a rock at her window and ended up breaking it!" Said Jasper excitedly.

"Jazz, as much as I love you, you should know better than to do that stuff..." I smiled. Jasper's eyes narrowed on me.

"You, we need to talk. You, Rodrich, did I miss something important? !" She said as she clutched one of my hands.

"Roddy is special to me..." I murmured.

"You guys already have pet names for eachother? "

"... no..." I said as I looked down at my hands. The bus had arrived early, and everyone borded, a few people got off. She didn't really speak to me after that, she twitched her eyebrows at me and gave me some strange smirks from a distance that I thought were creepy, but,
Come on guys,

It's Jasper.
She nudged me everytime he walked by, and I would turn around.
She would still be wearing thay same god damn face...

I knew that face from anywhere...

That face she made when I was 5 and I had gotten a new bracelet from my mother for my birthday, she eyed it from a distance almost as if she wanted to take it...


My most best friend in the world, Jasper,

Was indeed jelous.

Short update! Meh... but he next chapter is gonna be the best, it gets really intense and that's all I can say. It might take a while for some ideas to kick in but,

Until then, eagle scouts!!




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