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After Mike tagged along with Will while he said goodbye to almost all of his teachers, they started to walk home. "Ready to go?" Mike asked, walking back into the lobby and holding out his hand. "Mhm." Will smiled, taking Mike's hand and looking around one last time. 

"Hey. You okay?" Mike asked, leading himself and Will outside. "Yeah." Will nodded and gave Will a sad smile. "Let's go home, before it rains." He added, looking up at the clouds. "Are you scared to go to another school?" Mike asked, pin-pointing Will's thoughts. Will took a moment to give Mike a blank stare, "Well, yeah." Will mumbled sheepishly and looked at the ground. 

"I mean, I won't know anyone except for El." He began, following Mike down his street. "What do you mean?" Mike asked, genuinely wanting Will to elaborate. "Lucas isn't gonna be there, Max isn't gonna be there, Dustin is gonna be there." He paused and looked at Mike, "And you won't be there." He stopped in front of the house that won't be his in a few days. "Will." Mike voiced, pulling Will into a hug. 

"Mike, what're you doing?" Will spoke, his voice muffled. "Can we go inside and talk about it?" Mike asked, pulling away from the hug. "Mhm." Will hummed, smiling up at Mike. 

"Okay." Mike began, sitting himself and Will on the bed. "I understand that you are scared to move halfway across the country." Mike paused, and reached for Will's hands. "Any of us would." He continued, "But everyone is going to love you. I promise." Will looked up as Mike went on, "Anyone would be honored to be your friend or even be in the same class as you." Mike finished. 

"Mike." Will finally spoke. "Thank you." Will smiled, Mike's favorite smile. Mike smiled back and pulled Will into another hug. "Can you promise me something?" Mike spoke into Will's shoulder. "Of course." Will smiled. "Promise me we won't talk about the move anymore tonight." Mike suggested, sticking out his pinky. "Promise." Will smiled again, wrapping his pinky around Mike and laying his head on Mike's chest. 



follow me on tumblt is you want! - sagey (loveu2themoon) 

i love you guys! take care of yourselves! 

over & out, sage 

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