Chapter Thirteen

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At early dawn, Kagome left the Slytherin Dungeons. She was on her way to the Great Hall to hoard off the problem that was Gryffindor. She tried her hardest not to think about the growing headache, but there was no way around it. Her one and only safe haven in school was now the most dangerous place to be. A small side of her wondered if she could sneak off into the Gryffindor common room now that it was completely empty of the so-called pride. Ah, but that wouldn’t be possible either. No, Peeves had to go and flood the entire dorm by bursting the pipes under their floors.

How was it last night? When Severus delivered the news... how did it go?




“Gather everyone. I have...unfortunate news...” Snape said with a sneer on his lips, his face reflecting intense dislike. “Regrettably, I must inform you that the Slytherin Dorm will be accommodating some Gryffindors for—”


“Gryffindors in the Slytherin Dungeons!? Professor!!”


The room fell into a hush of disgruntled students.

“I understand your frustration with the outcome, and it may seem like I did not argue for the privacy of our House. However, rest assured that I am equally displeased with the decision and share your anger.” He took a deep breath and scanned the room until his gaze landed on Kagome, shaken by the news. “In light of the current situation, I expect my Slytherin students to behave responsibly. It’s important to remain watchful in the dormitory and look out for one another. Please avoid any immature behaviour and don’t give in to any attempts to cause trouble. Hopefully, this situation will be resolved soon, and we can sanitise the dungeons once the individuals have left.”

Shortly after, Headmistress McGonagall entered the common room and discreetly pulled Severus aside to speak privately, out of earshot of the students.

Kagome observed as he glanced at her and then at McGonagall angrily. He clenched his hands behind his back, indicating his displeasure with the conversation. After the Headmistress departed, he faced the entire dormitory and declared that there would be changes to the room assignments before he, too, vacated the room.

Theo closed his book with a snap next to Kagome, his tone saturated in sarcasm as he exclaimed, “Bloody fantastic.”

“When will we find out our new room assignments?” Pansy asked, clearly annoyed at the idea of being uprooted.

“I am more interested in discovering who will be intruding upon my personal space for the...duration...of this tragedy.” Flicking her hair over her shoulder, Daphne settled down on the settee and crossed her arms and legs in discontent. “We’ve no choice but to play niceties with the wretched lions until they’ve gone and left, lest they try something within our walls.”

Kagome was twiddling her fingers uncomfortably when Luna placed a hand on hers.

“There’s no need to worry. I believe things will work out just fine. And if they don’t, remember that we are Slytherins - we always look out for each other.”


End Flashback


After lunch, Kagome and the rest of the students of Slytherin House had learned who would be sharing rooms with whom. She’d only just gotten used to Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent as roommates; now, she was forced to adjust again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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