Chapter Seven

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Luna Lovegood knew how people looked at her, how they talked about her, and even glared at her, or gave her pitying looks. She may seem on the weird side, or 'Loony' as was her nickname from her old house, but she did pay attention to the things going on around her.

She had been somewhat friends with Kagome. She had been kind to her, helped her out when the other Ravenclaws taken her belongings either to burn, brake or hide. The girl, even as she was in pain, trying to fight an internal war as well as the war she had been dragged in because of something she could do, had been kind to her. She helped her.

That is why when she heard her name being put into Slytherin, Luna begged the hat to do the same for her. She may not be Slytherin material, but she could survive the snake pit with her Ravenclaw wit and smarts. That is what she was going to do.

Befriend the girl who had been kind to her, who knew hardship and no matter what had seen the worth in 'Loony Lovegood'.

Sure, she had befriended the golden trio, but it wasn't a solid friendship. They didn't take the time to get to know her as well as they knew each other.

They didn't know her likes or dislikes, and Luna knew Hermione didn't like her belief in creatures and Ron still called her 'Loony Lovegood' every so often. Harry...he was kind, and didn't judge her. Sure, he thought her weird, but so did most of the school. He still had been kind to her, but he was happy with the friends he had. Luna understood that.

Maybe it was a little selfish of her wanting to have different friends who truly understood her. She had people who accepted her, but not those who understood and let her just be herself without any side comments about her being wrong or her just being weird.

"Luna?" Blinking, Luna looked up from her book and gave the person her attention. There in front of her was Hermione Granger, with a look of caution on her face.

"Yes?" She put her book down and glanced around the library and noticed some people glancing her way. Her being in Slytherin wasn't that big a deal compared to Kagome's. A Gryffindor to Slytherin was unethical, but a Ravenclaw to Slytherin...Slytherin and Ravenclaw were close to one another. They weren't that different from one another.

"Are...are you alright? I mean, to be put in Slytherin, they aren't bullying you or anything of the like?" Hermione bit her lip, shuffling her feet.

"No," Luna said bluntly, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. She didn't think Hermione would be the one to ask her that. She thought she would be over silly prejudices of the houses.


"I see, that's good."

Kagome rounded the corner to the Library and saw Luna sitting with Hermione standing next to her. Walking towards the Herbology selection which was nearest to Luna, she looked the titles over all the while listening to the Gryffindor Princess.

"I know that you played a huge part in the war, and being placed in that house...I feel horrible for you."

"I found Slytherin House to be quite pleasant actually. The girls there are tight nit with each other, and extremely protective of their own...was there any other worries you had, Hermione?"

" Higurashi...could you give her this? It's from Lavender."

Kagome watched as Hermione held a letter out to Luna, Luna's eyes narrowing at the enveloped parchment before she closed her book and stood, "I will not. You and the rest of the Gryffindors need to leave her alone. She is a dear friend of mine, and I will not stand by while Gryffindor's bully her." Luna left the library, leaving the stunned Hermione to stare after the Loony blond.

Kagome grabbed the book she'd been looking for and walked up to Hermione, taking the letter from her hand, she flipped it over while Hermione stared silently at the contemplating look on the ex-gryffindor's face. "I don't want to read it, Hermione. I don't want to walk the halls always looking over my shoulders...and I don't want to think that I should be worrying over my friends safety either." Holding the letter out for Hermione to take back, she watched the girls fingers grip the parchment gently and tug it, but didn't let it go, instead, she held the paper tighter and made sure Hermione was looking her dead in the eyes. "Hermione..." Kagome's voice dropped to a deadly whisper, "I don't need to worry about I?"

Something dark filtered in Kagome's eyes, and Hermione felt worried, nervous...scared..."N-no...nothing bad will happen to Luna. It's you who everyone seems to have it out for, not her."

Nodding, Kagome released the letter, "I have no real problem with that, but should I find out that something happens to my fair friend, I will be eradicating the cowardly lion's going around causing me that understood?"


"Hermione, there you are. Kagome?"

Kagome turned, "Potter," she said calmly as she walked past Harry who was staring curiously after her as she left. She made her way back to the Slytherin Dungeons before sitting down on the couch and opening up her book and pulling out a piece of footlong parchment to right her Herbology essay on. Ignoring the Italian who came in a few thirty minutes later to sit beside her. She didn't look up, or stop writing until she finished the essay, and only then, did she take notice of the silently working Draco, Blaise, Pansy and Astoria, gathered around the fireplace beside her, and working on their own assignments. A few other students silently doing the same.

Daphne came in through the portrait doorway and looking for her sister, made her way to Astoria to get help on some Ancient Runes deciphering sheet work. Kagome made to stand when a hand was placed on her shoulder and she looked up to find none other than her new Head of House staring down at her.

"...a word...Miss. Higurashi."

Kagome stood, and the eyes of every student in the common room followed her as she followed the steps of her Head of House and Potions Professor. Trying not to look back at the students staring at her as she walked away from them, Kagome could only imagine what it was they were thinking, and what it was her Professor had to say.

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