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Wilbur pov:

It was getting uncomfortably hot in the crowded club. The girl I had come with had disappeared to get drink an hour ago and I think it's safe to say she's not coming back. That's fine, she wasn't the nicest, and she smelt like fish.

I sighed and walked over to the bar, dodging a drunk asshole trying to pick a fight, and a fifteen year old girl drunk off her ass. Idiots.

"Six shots please" I said to the tall woman behind the bar. I had seen her before, and I remember her having quite an... interesting name? It was something like mix, no minx. Yep defiantly minx.

"Sure, and what drink?" She asked, swiftly pulling out six clean shot glasses.

"Vodka, I've had a shit night" I said, passing over some money. She gave me a sympathetic look before pouring the vodka. She placed each one carefully in front of me, so as not to spill anything, before moving on to another customer.

I swallowed the first shot, enjoying the burning feeling. I got to number four before pausing for breath, then swallowed the other two. I sighed, adjusting my beanie before making my way to the door. The night air felt nice, and I took a deep breath as I started to make my way home. I walked past a couple of other shops, all closed. It was slightly creepy, with a flickering street lamp.

I heard a police siren flare up behind me, and I looked back. A cop car was driving down the street, and I could see the cops inside looking out for something, or someone.

I continued walking. I got to a dark alley, and gulped, reassuring myself that nothing was gonna happen. The shadow seemed to shift, and I could have sworn I saw something move.

"Probably just a cat" I whispered, shivering. I kept walking, nearly on the other side of the alley way. I felt my anxiety spike, but I forced myself to remain calm. But just at that moment, I felt someone grab my arm and yank me into the shadows.

I whimpered, and considered screaming, but the person seemed to read my mind, placing a hand over my mouth. I got pushed up against a cold brick wall, the person placing one hand each side of my head, trapping me. I looked into their face.

I could see the rippling muscles through the tight white shirt the boy was wearing. When I looked directly at his eyes, I was met with a shock. The guy had a long scar tracing his right eye, which was bright white. And even worse, he was hot.

He smirked, seeing the blush that crept up my face. He was wearing the shirt, jeans, suspenders, a beanie and a loose red tie. It was an outfit that would look shit on anyone else but this boy. He managed to pull it off in a sexy way.

His hair was long and black, covered by a beanie. Thick rings covered his fingers, and a simple gold chain earring complimented his eye, which was blood red. He looked like something out of a dream. No, a nightmare. I couldn't decide.

" take a picture, it'll last longer." He said, and i felt the flush in my face deepen. At least it matched my eyes. He lifted his left hand and traced my jawline with his thumb. He smirked again, before tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. He traced the scar that ran from my cheek to my shoulder.

" now tell me pretty boy, which way did the cops go?" He asked, his breath tickling my lips, he was so close.

" left." I replied, my breath hitching as he moved his hand down to my waist. He had a small dusting of freckles across his nose. My eyes wandered down to his lips, and I wondered if I should do want I desired to do. But he did it for me.

He pressed his lips to mine, grasping my waist, cupping my face with his other hand. I closed my eyes, and kissed back. He tasted like strawberries and cigarettes.

The taste was addicting. I felt his tongue press against my lips, asking for entrance. I denied, and smirked into the grin. He tightened his grip on my waist and pushed me harshly up against the wall again.
He bit my lip, hard enough to draw blood. I opened my mouth, to gasp in pain, which he used as an opportunity to slide his tongue in. He explored my mouth, reducing me to a shaking mess. I moaned into the kiss, as he began to rub my thigh with his hand.

He pulled away, smiling a victorious smile. He moved his thumb over my lip, wiping away the blood. He was driving me crazy, and we hadn't even know each other ten minutes. He let go of me, and I slid down the wall. He giggled, offering a hand to me. I gladly accepted and he pulled me up. I wobbled, but righted myself as he let go of my hand.

He began to walk away, but I gently pulled him back, grabbing hold of his wrist. He looked slightly surprised, as a million questions raced through my head.

" why did you want to know where the cops went?" I asked, keeping my voice low. He turned to face me, smirking again.

" dumbass, they were looking for me. I stole one of their guns." He said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh..." I said, trying to process this information. " what's your name?" I asked, hoping I wasn't being annoying. I wanted to know everything about this boy. He looked so perfect, that I couldn't resist.

" Quackity" he said, "you?" I debated telling him my name, considering he was running from the cops.

"Wilbur" I said at last. He smiled, and took my hand.

"Well Wilbur, I hope we meet again." He said, placing a light kiss on my knuckles before striding out the alley way. I stood there a moment, before walking out too. He had disappeared...

1080 words
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