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We're just gonna get right into it :D this will be smut, so skip to the end, if you arent comfortable. And drink some water, I see you, you little dehydrated gremlin.

I threw my head back, pulling quackitys body closer. I moved my hands to his waist, pulling his hips against mine, backing us up against the wall.

He pulled away, putting one hand at the side of my head, panting slightly, as he smiled, a smile full of lust, and compassion.

"Now who said you could take charge?" He whispered into my ear, it coming out as more of a growl. I shivered, as his hands slipped below the hem of my shirt. He looked at me, asking for consent, and I nodded.

He pulled it up over my head, chucking it behind him, his hands gliding across my newly exposed back.

He ran one finger down my spine, and i quivered, looking at him pathetically, desperate for the passion again. He grabbed my waist, spinning me around, lifting my feet from the floor, carrying me to the bed, pushing me down into the mattress.

He climbed on top of me, settling himself on my hips, before leaning down, pressing hot, sweet kisses into my collar bone, then my neck, slowly moving upwards, until he met my jaw, then moving to my mouth.
I kissed back hungrily, wishing that he would run his hands all over me, and that I could run my hands over him.

Seeming to hear my thoughts, he held me up like a rag doll, sitting up, and pulling me into his lap. I took the opportunity to undo the three or four buttons at the bottom of his shirt, which were actually done up.
I pulled it off his shoulders, as he busied himself, leaving love bites all over my shoulders and chest.

I marvelled at his olive skin, smooth and tanned, rippling with muscles. A gambling tattoo decorated his left shoulder, complimenting his dark hair. How could someone who looked like him, be so into someone like me?

As he showed no sign of stopping, I began to leave marks of my own, down his neck and shoulders, draping myself over him, trying to concentrate, as he slowly but surely got lower and lower, his fingers digging into my back slightly, and he held me too him. The marks stood out more on my pale skin, but I was satisfied with my work, and I pulled my lips from his shoulder. I let a deep moan escape my lips, as he left a bite on my stomach, so low now that his chin was on my belt.

He laid me backwards again, keeping his lips on my body, as he unclipped my belt, pulling it off, before unzipping my jeans. I whimpered, willing him to hurry up. He laughed, and went ever slower, instead pulling back the zipper with his teeth, keeping eye contact with him the whole time.

Once he was done teasing, he pulled my jeans and socks off of me, leaving me in just my boxers.
He quickly removed his own jeans, pulling off his black converse, and putting his beanie on top of the growing pile of clothes on my floor. He removed my boxers teasingly slowly again, grinning evily, as he saw my dick spring free from the material. He threw both of our boxers in the floor, before lining himself up, digging his fingernails into my hips.

Then he began to move...

I became a moaning mess almost immediately. This was better than I could have ever imagined. The complete overjoying feeling took over me, my brain fading into a misty cloud of lust. I could hear him groaning, as he moved faster and faster. I curled my legs around his waist, digging my hands into my mattress, to ground myself. I could feel myself getting closer and closer, the pure ecstasy too much for me, but just the right amount, and not enough, all at the same time. 

It felt like sitting on top of a cloud, although I'm not sure I would be on top of those clouds, if god knew how much I was enjoying this. It felt like being kissed my the sun itself, especially as he began to hit a spot that sent quakes down my body, my moans getting louder and more uncontrollable with each thrust.

The pool in my stomach was building, as I got closer and closer to heaven. I whimpered in between moans, as he left claw marks down my sides. I had the desperate need to hold onto him, as he provided me with such enjoyment. I grasped onto his shoulders, pulling myself up, a great achievement, considering my arms felt like noodles.

I dug my nails into his back, clinging onto him, so lost in the moment, that I found myself dragging my nails along his back, leaving deep gashes. Accidental drops of blood christened me, but he didn't slow down.

Suddenly, the pool in my stomach had released, and I moaned, as he continued to thrust in me, until seconds later, he released into me. He rode out both our highs, coming to a slow stop. Letting go on my hips, he gently lowered me onto the bed again. He slumped down next to me, and pulled me into his chest, as I snuggled down.

"Actually, I think we should shower before sleep baby..." he said, rolling off the bed, offering me a hand, catching me around the waist, as I tried to stand, and my legs gave out.
He giggled, picking me up, before asking me to direct him to the bathroom.

" first left when you leave my room." I whispered, nuzzling my head into his shoulder, clinging to him. He pulled me up higher, repositioning me so he could open the door, whilst still holding on to me. We padded out into the hall, then entered the pristine bathroom.

Quackity sat me on his hip, like I weighed no more than a toddler. He ran a deep bath, before sitting me in it. He went to leave the room, but I held onto his wrist, keeping him close.
" I need to go and get towels, I'll be back in a sec." He whispered, pressing a kiss into my knuckles. "Where are your towels?"

"There should be some in a basket outside my room." I said sleepily, letting go of his hand, content in the hot water.
He was back in a moment, carrying two large fluffy towels, and what looked like some clean bedsheets, which he left outside the bathroom.  He dropped the towels, stepping gracefully into the water.

He pulled me onto his lap, my back pressed into his chest, as he gently rubbed soap over my shoulders and chest, gently, so as not to irritate the angry purple bruises that covered me like leopard print.

He gave me soap to wash my lower half, whilst he did himself, momentarily moving me out of his lap.
When we were with clean, he pulled me into his lap again, facing him this time. He pressed a kiss into my lips, and it was a different one to the ones we had shared before.
It was sweet and gentle, and it made me contented, rather than inflamed. He pulled away, and I buried my head into his chest again. I felt him press a gentle kiss into the top of my curls.

"Mine..." was the last thing I heard, as I drifted into dreamland.

1287 words
Love you <3
Update, I'm now exhausted, but if I don't get this story done relatively soon, I never will.
Have a turtle 🐢
Pls vote if you enjoyed

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