Chapter 2:First Day of School

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Alright so I was actually somehow gonna sneak in the fact that Cynthia has powers and what kind, and you probably already guessed that she has teleportation. But because I'm too lazy to write about the other powers Cynthia has, I'm just gonna tell you that she has telekinesis, mind reading, mind manipulation, super intelligence, and illusions (but she's terrible at them so she doesn't really do it). also she can do combat or just any fighting moves in general.

Oh and one more thing that I might have not been clear on, but Cynthia actually joined the highschool, so its only Cynthia's first day of school.

Also, if you haven't noticed, the choker she wears suppresses her magic .

Well, I hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget the summery will be at the bottom if you need it :)


Cynthia's P.O.V

I walk up to my new school, lowering my head when I walked through the doors. I was never much for socializing.

I walk into the school office and walk up to the desk where a lady was sitting.

"Hi, how may I help you?" asked the lady at the desk.

"Um... my n-name is Cynthia, i-its my first day here, I just transferred from Lock-Wood Middle School."

"Oh, you must be Miss Meadows! The really smart girl who transferred to high school early. How old are you dear?"

"Oh, um" I stuttered, turning red "I... I just turned fourteen." "Impressive," said the lady and continued "Well you'll be put in the tenth grade classes, just a warning you will be the youngest there. Here's you agenda"

I took the agenda and thanked the lady before going to the school hallway, and finding my first class. I knocked on the classroom door, and a man opened the door. Behind him I could hear students talking.

"Ah, you must be Cynthia Meadows." said the man, "you can call me (Insert name here) " I nodded and walked into the classroom. "Class, meet you new classmate, Cynthia Meadows. Miss Meadows, here transferred out of a middle school, top of her class. I want all of you to be nice to her alright? Miss Meadows, why don't you sit over there in the back next to Mr Parker?"

I nodded and started moving to the back where I sat next to a boy looking a little older than me with hazel eyes and curly brown hair. He nodded to me with a warm smile, and I smiled back.

*Skip ahead to lunch*

I walk out of my class, relieved that lunch started as I walk over to my locker to drop off my stuff. I grabbed an apple I managed to steal from the orphanage and started walking to the cafeteria.

"Flash please, just let me go." I hear as I turn the corner. In front of me was a small crowd of kids all watching a tall, blonde boy, holding the same kid who I sat next to at my first class, by the collar.

"Aww, is poor, puny, pathetic Parker scared?" Said the blonde, smirking, "Just give me the lunch money and I'll get out of your hair."

"Shove off" replied the other boy as he tried to push the blond away. The blond raised his fist as if was gonna punch the boy when I yelled "Hey!"

I walked past the crowd, glaring at the blonde. "Let the kid go" I growled as I walked up to him. "Well hello there beautiful. Cynthia right?" Replied the blonde, smirking.

"I'm sorry but did you not hear me? I said. Let. The kid. Go." I ordered, emphasizing the last four words.

"What? This pathetic poor loser?" Sneered the blonde "Com'n, he's weak. You don't wanna be friends with him"

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