Chapter Eighteen: Idk what to write here

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Cynthia's P.O.V

It has been a few months now. Agent Red didn't go out as much anymore as I tried my best to avoid the Avengers. They came in bigger groups. Somehow though, I still managed to escape. Of course there was still the fact that there were eyes watching my every move, ever since I told them I 'knew Agent Red'".

School was okay. In Fact it was great. My English teacher told us about a contest where each student from schools in New York would participate, and write a freestyle story and the Mayor themself would judge on the best written story. Whoever had the best story, would win 15,000 dollars for a 15000 word short story.

Perfect. With the checks that Mr Stark had been giving to me, the money I got from selling the Iphone Flash got me, money I hadn't touched that I put in my bank account in china that I stole from the bank and the money I could get from the contest if I won meant that I could finally pay most of what Agent Red had stole.

Things we're going pretty good. The story I wrote was about a little girl who got separated from her brother and was later kidnapped and raised to become a pirate.

( A/N: I know the pirates came out of nowhere but for some reason I just wanted to write pirates)

~ Time skip cause I have nothing else to write~

I won!!!! I had won the competition! I walked to the principal's office and accepted the cash.

As I walked home, I was nearly skipping!!! I said goodbye to Peter as he dropped me off at the orphanage (I said I had a lot of homework today). I opened the door slowly through, my whole attention focused on who was in the room

"Your back early" said Mrs Bullin, who was looking at some papers. "I had some stuff I needed to work on here," I replied softly. "I don't believe I asked for an answer" "s-sorry ma'am.

Finally she looked up from her papers. " were low on food. You'll have to miss dinner for today and no food for tomorrow. "Yes ma'am, I understand" I say, looking down.

"You know a funny thing happened this morning." she said, her voice growing colder as she stood up. I was looking through my messages when I found one from a few months backs (she doesn't check her messages at all) and you know what I found?"

"No ma'am, what did you find?" "I found an email from Tony Stark himself, telling me that you have been accepted as his personal intern"

My blood ran cold as she continued " Now I don't believe you have told me about this internship" she lifted my chin up with her finger.

"M-ma'am I-I can explain" I stutter "explain what? That you have been going behind my back for months now, without my permission." "n-n-no. Of course not I-" but before I could finish, she slapped me.

"You filthy little scum. I gave you a home, and this is what I get in return?" "p-please ma'am" I stuttered, backing away. "Basement. Now." I slowly walk toward the basement, shaking at every step.


I open the door and walk down the staircase. Finally, I threw aside my bag. "Sit" she said. I obeyed, and sat down in front of her on the cold stone floor.

" You know what happens when you disobey me" said Mrs Bullin as she rummaged through the boxes that were behind us. "Y-yes m-ma'am" was all I could say as she pulled out an empty beer glass, a candle, and a lighter.

I knew what was about to happen. And it wasn't gonna be nice. First she hit the beer against the wall so that it broke into glass shards. Then she picked the sharpest shard and walked back to me.

"You have been a very bad girl Meadows" she growled, as she kneeled in front of me so that we were eye to eye. "P-please ma'am. D-don't do this" I begged, my breathing quickening. "You know what to do when you've been a bad girl." was all she said.

I slowly, my hands trembling, pulled up my sleeve on my left arm. You could still see the scars that I had given myself on the day that I nearly jumped. Mrs. Bullin traced her finger on my arm commenting "looks like someone's already ahead of me" and then piercing the shard into my arm.

I grunted in pain, trying not to make any noise. I didn't want the girls upstairs to hear us and get worried. She dug the shard deeper into my arm, twisting it a little as blood started to poor out.

She did this a few more times before going to my next arm. Tears had already started to fall down my cheek. I begged her to stop but that only seemed to motivate her.

Finally she seemed please with herself and dropped the bloody shard on the ground. I gasped in pain, whimpering as I was thankful that it was over. Of course, today, luck didn't seem to favor me.

Mrs. Bullin took the candle she had found and lit it up with a lighter. "M-a'am, p-please don't. I- I prom-mis it w-will never happen." "Oh, I'll make sure of that" she stated, her evil grin never leaving her face.

The wax on the candle started to melt and she held the candle over me. I howled in pain, not able to hold it in as the melted wax dripped onto my arms and legs.

But Mrs. Bullin wasn't done yet. After she scraped or peeled the wax off my burning skin, she got another glass bottle and held it over my body with one hand.

Then, with the other hand she pulled up my sweater to show my stomach. She grinned evilly and threw a rock at the bottle. The shards of glass fell down, piercing every part of my body.

I yelled, when they hit my flesh, breathing in fast. "I hope you have learned your lesson now" growled Mrs Bullin, before leaving the basement.

Slowly, once I got myself together, I took out each bloody shard out of my skin. It felt like hours before I got them all out. Then, once I could, I slowly stood up.

My breathing again quickened and I could see blood still pouring out. I tried to take a step but quickly found myself on the floor again.

Then, I decided to take off my necklace. Once I had my powers in control, I used them to find some bandages. After a while, some of them were floating above me, surrounded by my aura.

I took them and started patching myself up. As I did though, my vision became blurry and I didn't feel to well.

Then... suddenly... everything went black.

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