t h i r t e e n

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We all grab our bikes and bike after Bill.

"Bill! You can't go in there. This is crazy!" Beverly shouts. "Look, you don't have to come in with me. What happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty or another Ed Corcoran or one of us? Are you just gonna pretend like it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home, and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, and his stupid stuffed animals, but he isn't, so walking into this house is easier than walking into my own." Bill said. He turns around to go into the house.

"Wow." Richie said. "What?" Beverly asked. "He didn't stutter once." Richie stated as we looked back over to Bill.

"Wait!" Stan called out. "Shouldn't we have someone keep watch, just in case something bad happens?" Stan asked. "Who wants to stay out here?" Bill asked. Everyone except me and Beverly put our hands up. "Fuck." Richie muttered.

- - -

Me, Bill, Richie, and Eddie walk into the old house.

"I can't believe I pulled the short straw. You guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks." Richie said.

"Don't breathe through your mouth." Richie said to Eddie. "Cause then you're eating it."

Richie began to walk to the room next to us. He grabbed a piece of paper that was attached to the wall. Me, Bill, and Eddie walk over to Richie. "What is it?" Bill asks. "It says I'm missing." He announces. But he isn't missing, though. He's right here. "You're not missing, Richie." Bill says, trying to calm down Richie. "That's my shirt. That's my hair. That's my face. That's my name. That's my age. That is the date I was born!" Richie shouts in a panick. I have never seen him freak out like this before.

"Calm down! Calm down! Look at me, Richie." Bill says as he calms down Richie. "That isn't real. It's playing tricks on you."

"Hello?" A scared voice said in tye distance. It sounds like a child. "Hello?" The voice repeated again. We follow the sound, up the old stairs. "Help me, please!" The voice shouts. The steps are creaking as we walk.

We then see a girl gasping for air on the ground. "Betty?" Bill questions. "Ripsom?" I say after him. Then, the girl gets dragged away from the door frame by who knows what? Most likely to be the clown.

We walk over to the door frame to check if Betty is still there. We walked into a room with a dirty and ruined mattress. "She was just here. Where the fuck did she go?" Richie asked.

Then, the door slams shut behind us. We then hear Eddie scream. "Eddie!" Bill shouts, trying to open the door. Me and Bill pound on the door, trying to open it, but it won't. I see Richie go through a door. I didn't see what kind of room he walked into, but when Bill and I walked over to ask Richie what he was doing, the door behind Richie slams shut.

"Richie!" I shout. "Come on! Open the door!" We hear Richie shout from the other side.

We keep trying to open the door, but it just won't open. "What the hell are we going to do?" I ask Bill. "I don't know." He replies.

- - -

A few moments later, Richie runs out of the room and slams it shut.

"We need to get out of here." Bill states. "Yeah, no shit." I reply back. We then hear slight laughing coming from the mattress. Then, a head pops out of it. It was Eddie's head. "You wanna play lougie?" The thing that seemed to be Eddie's head asked. All of a sudden, black stuff had been coming out from his mouth.

It came from under the mattress and started to cover the old floor. We ran over to the door, but it wasn't just one door. It was three doors.

One labeled 'not scary at all." Second one labeled 'scary'. The third one is labeled 'very scary'. We all ran toward the one labeled 'not scary at all'.

When we opened it, it was nothing but pitch black. "Where's my shoe?" The voice from earlier asked quietly. Bill then turned on the light switch to the room. We then saw the upper half of Betty's body in the closet. We screamed and were quick to close the door.

"Where were her legs!?" Richie asked and shouted.

"This isn't real. Remember the missing kid poster? That wasn't real, so this isn't real." Bill said as the black stuff came closer.

We then opened the door labeled 'scary'. "Oh thank fuck." Richie said in relief. "Where's Eddie?" Bill asked. We heard Eddie scream in the distance.

We ran towards the sound of his screams. We open a door to see the clown covering Eddies face with his gloved hand. The clown turns around to look at us. "This isn't real enough for you, Billy? Am I not real enough for you? It was real enough for Georgie." The clown says, followed by a laugh. I have a shocked look in my face.

The clown then starts to run towards us, but Beverly comes in and pierces a spear through its head.

Instead of the blood falling down, it floats up. It stands there, not moving. "Get Eddie!" We then run towards Eddie.

The clown turns around to face us. "Eddie, look at me!" Richie shouts as he grabs Eddie's face and makes Eddie look towards him.

All Eddie is doing is screaming as the clown walks towards us slowly.

It lets out a horrific laugh and turns around and slices Ben's stomach.

The clown then walked out of the door that me, Bill, and Richie ran out of to find Eddie. Bill runs down to the basement to go after it.

I go over go Beverly and hug her because I could see she was horrified by what had just happened.

"I'm gonna snap your arm back in place." Richie says to Eddie. "Do not fucking touch me!" Eddie shouts. Richie grabs his arm and snaps it back in place. Eddie let's out a scream.

We run out of the creepy house and get onto our bikes.

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