Truth or Dare

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Seraph's POV

Ever since Jackson posted that Truth or Dare video, Roman hasn't been the same. a week within the same week that everybody started randomly shipping me and Jackson, he would constantly bring up me and jacksons what he would like to call it "relationship" status, and he even pulled this one prank on me that lowkey hurt my feelings, it was him "replacing" me with another girl, i wasnt jealous that he was talking to somebody that he had interest in, I was happy for him, but replacing me? dang. I'd like to think hes just being Roman, but everytime I ask him if hes okay or whatever he goes "oh so i'm the bad guy?" like no...i'm just concerned about him yk, we use blast Lana Del Rey and Mac Demarco or just randomly bust out with a song and sing it from the top of our lungs, or he would just flop next to me extremely close and just start talking to me, hes always had a problem with me being close with other boys in the group or would get mad protective, never really thought about it like that though. I'm gonna go in the living room where everybody else is at and talk to Omarion or something to get him off my mind lol. 

"SERAPHHHH" I heard Omarion and Paige scream, They have always been two of my favorite members, Omarion is chill, funny, and laid back, hes like a older brother to me, usually just doing his own thing and Paige is like my ride or die frl. "Where you been we all just made a WTO Family Feud Video" paige says. Oh I was in the guest room upstairs just thinking about something, (takes a peak at Roman just to see him already looking dead at me) Did I also mention he's been having a staring problem lately? I look away as quick as I can brushing it off, I hate getting caught trying to look over at somebody, its so embarrasing. "Uhh Seraph, you good, you wanna make a tiktok" Yea ofcourse, I send a awkward smile Omarion's way. "Whats wrong Seraph" I heard Omarion Say. "Nothing its just ever since the Truth or Dare video Roman seems to be avoiding me but talking to everybody else in the group, and when I ask him about it, He stares at me like i'm a little puppy or something. Like hes never heard me speak before" "Seraph have you never considered- Never mind lets just make the tiktok" 

Jackson jumped into the tiktok of us lip syncing behind me, as he looked down at me for a second and flexed his hairline, I looked up and slightly smiled cause he came out of nowhere like seriously, while Omarion was just vibin playing his ukulele and having them wired earbuds in his ear per usual, after the tiktok was over with I felt eyes staring into my soul while I was thinking of a new youtube video idea, I look up to see Roman across the room just looking at me like i ate the last chip after saying he could have it. This behavior is so strange hes not even looking away either hes just..staring literally. Before I could stand up to go question him about this behavior that he uses around me now, Jackson came.

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