Are we still friends?

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Seraph's POV

Her POV starts off from when Roman came up to her just so yall can see how she was feelin

I was talking to Jackson when I see Roman coming up to me out of the corner of my eye. I started smiling cause we haven't been talking as much and everytime I try it's like he avoids me. I avert my attention away from Jackson for Roman "Hey Roman!!" I was just happy I wasn't starting the conversation this time "Hey Seraph" "uhm I needa talk to you about something, sure you know what's it's finna be about" before I could even respond or excuse myself from me and Jackson's conversation he gripped my arm like really tight and just started taking me upstairs

"Roman, you're hurting my arm can you loosen your grip?" "Oh yea sorry bout uhm I needa talk to you about something, sure you know what's it's finna be about" I looked up at him confused because he never loosened his grip, not noticeably atleast, I gave up. "Roman just let go of my arm ill just follow you" when we got to the room he closed the door behind me, that's how I knew it was serious cause he usually leaves the door cracked a little bit, I started to get nervous "Seraph." "Mm." "You know it's something there, we both know" it takes me a minute to respond because I can kind of see where this is going, don't get me wrong I like Roman, a lot, I won't admit it ever though, I've been acting slow at his hints, him making small attempts to hold my hand, him standing mad close to me, him getting mad jealous, all of that just to not ruin our friendship. "Yea" shit.shit.shit.shit what am I gonna do- "what I'm trying to say is I like you more then you think" now what do I say... I look back up at him to see him looking at me like he was defintely waiting for a response. This is gonna hurt some feelings but it's for the best. "Yea I mean we are bestfriends after all" I sent out a nervous giggle. He looks so mad now but hurt now...I'm sorry Roman. "NO, you don't understand I hate the idea of seeing you with- whatever Seraph, you think everything is a joke"

What have I done...

I just completely ruined our friendship all because I wanted to sit there and act like I didn't know what he was talking about...I know I like Roman back, I know I do, but I don't expect him to wait until I turn 18 just so we can be in a happy relationship. I'm just going to go apologize and hope our friendship will be the same... "ROMAN, look I'm sorry, I should have considered your feelings and tried to understand what you really meant, but you know we have a age difference..." I said finally looking up at him, he's smiling? "It's okay Seraph, we're just friends anyway." "Oh." "Well you wanna go live with the group" "Mhm" I can tell he was still a bit hurt but us dating would be a case, I don't expect him to wait on me. "Alright were gonna be going live with Omarion, and Paige AHEHEHEH"

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