The L Word

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Romans POV:

...Jackson, we used to be really good friends but lately i've been feeling nothing but hatred for him. Just because you let somebody who was like a brother to you take your girl, doesn't mean start trying to get at mines. Weirdo. "Oh hey Jack-"  "Uhm what are you doing up here?" I quickly cut Seraph off, while mean mugging Jackson. "jealous much" Seraph mumbled and I looked down at her and she looks up at me. Yea I heard yo ass. but I chose to ignore her comment. "..." why is he just staring at her.. "Uhm, bro. we have to go use the bathroom so quit staring and go back to Miya or something" "Wait, Seraph" he says as we finally start leaving. ugh, this dude just doesn't listen, I know he sees these handcuffs. "Can we talk later?" Seraph hesitates for a moment "Uhm su-"

"No. you can't, now excuse me, me and Seraph have somewhere to be" I say tugging at the hancuffs. we start walking off to the bathroom "Roman you cant keep controlling what I do and who exactly i'm talking too, it's weird we aren't even-" "dating? I don't care what we are in your eyes Seraph, you know I consider you more then a friend." "Yea, bestfriend, we also have to film another episode of the neighborhood today" I didnt respond, Seraph clearly has feelings for me too shes just avoiding the honest truth cause of our age difference. But I ignored her. "Just stick your arm in a little i said closing the door enough to where her arm can still reach in. she turned the other way so she couldn't see me through the mirror an started talking to me while i was lowkey peeing for a while. I must've drunk too much water or koolaid today cause damn. "Roman, you know you cant get jealous of every boy I have a good friendship with, we aren't even together-" "-Yet. "I'm 14 turning 15 and your 17..." you can abuse me, cheat on me, hit me with your car or whatever i'll still wait on you. I said in my head "I'll wait on you, thats all I gotta say" "But Roma-" "I meant what I said" I washed my hands and exited the bathroom. "before we go downstairs we need to find a way to get these handcuffs off, we have to film today" "Yea, they'll unlock the handcuffs for us when they realize we have to film, but I needa go pick up something from targert first" I respond only asking to go to target so i can enjoy being shoulder to shoulder with her longer.  "Bu-" "Come on" "Do any of yall want to go to target with us real quick before filming" Seraph asked everybody as we were walking downstairs. "Sure" Rj was the only one who agreed. Target was always walking distance only like 12 minutes away from Kinigra's house. So we just walked. "So did yall ever confront eachother about dem feelings?" Rj spoke. Me and Seraph gave eachother a nervous smile before responding "Yes" "No." "What, yes we did when you were in the bathroom..." Seraph looks me directly in my eyes questioning me "Yall was in the bathroom together" RJ questions. "No bruh" I just kept walking in silence, I only told Seraph half of what I felt while I was in the bathroom. Why can't she just confess to me too..I'll be so quick to wait on her.

We finally made it to target after walking in silence. well not silence, RJ and Seraph were making a lot of jokes too. why make jokes with him while i'm right here, you can joke around with me too. I grabbed a cart entering "Hey Roman what did we come to Target for" "To grab some snacks, I be hungry before filming lowkey" we both start laughing.

its been a while since we had a good laugh like that

Its been a minute since we had a good laugh like that...

"You want something to snack on too Seraph?" "Aye what about me, I understand yall like eachother n shii but damn!" RJ says. "Nigga you look like you about 36, I know you got money on you somewhere" "Ntm on my fav" Seraph starts laughing "You sound like Paige shut up" I say playfully. "Can you get me some hot fries, I'm broke right now" she says batting her eyelashes at me. "Yea why not" shes so pretty without even realizing. I threw the hot fries in the cart and kept walking. Everytime I go to the store it's usually Seraph and RJ with me, I never got Jealous of her and RJ cause hes more like a older brother figure and I know that. While Jackson saw her more than that at one point, and still obviously does. I grabbed some kitkats for RJ and blue takis for me. I started laughing because when I turned around RJ was on the ground cause Seraph tackled him while hitting him and people were looking at us like we were crazy. He got up breathing hard as hell, damn. "Ight yall lets go" I said cause I could see security looking at us from a distance. I payed for all the snacks and handed Seraph her hot fries. while giving RJ his kitkats. "awww thank you bae i knew you would come in clutch" RJ says "Shut up nigga you stay on that gay shit forreal" we were walking in silence until Seraph spoke up "Roman, why do you go out of your way to do whatever makes me happy?" that question caught me AND RJ off guard cause we weren't expecting that. I hesitate for a moment before looking down at her into her eyes. "Because I love you Seraph."

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