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Seraph's POV

"Because I love you Seraph" I didn't respond, I wasn't used to him saying that. I know I say it from time the time when apologizing or something but he has never told me that he loves me. I look up at him again to see he was still staring down at me as if he was waiting for me to say it back. "I-" "Awe HELL naw, yall forgot a nigga was here" RJ says as he puts his hands on top of his head and looks down and shakes his head "Not the time RJ" Roman yells. while still looking at me for a response. I tried to run up to RJ to avoid the situation completely forgetting I had handcuffs on so Roman simply just tugged at the cuffs sending me back, I thought I was about to fall but I felt a force behind me. shit, Roman. so I was now pressed against his chest and we both just stood there 

"Man im done with yall, yall stay flirting im finna walk back to the house" RJ says walking away. "w-w-wait Rj. I look up at Roman and he was already looking at me so I just looked away. He also wouldn't let me go with his other arm. "Do you want me to say something?" got me in this position for what "I think we both know what I want you to say" I roll my eyes at how desperate he is for just a small sentence. I hesitate before speaking "I-I uhh" I look at him again to see hes STILL looking, dang. I haven't even saw him blink yet.

"Seraph is it that hard-" " this moment it is." cause I know deep down he doesn't does mean it in a just a friendly way. why is it so hard to simply say I love you? "Lets just go" "Seraph please just say it..." "Okay..don't think to hard about the words-" "just say it" mannnn "I l-love you." He finally smiles mad hard and let goes of me "Bro the grip you had on my arm is insane, I almost dropped my hot fries" we both start laughing 

"I wouldn't have did all of that if you would have simply said it back"  we start walking back to the house cracking jokes. "Ay, we finally back" "I didn't even realize to be honest" we started grinning at eachother and entered the house. "Hey yall" "Man yall really came back with no food." Zack said dissapointed. "I asked everybody if they wanted to come only RJ said yea" 

"You lowkey right" Omarion added on. "Well can yall uncuff us now, we spent the half day side by side and we still have to film" "Yea, yall lucky it's filming day." they started walking upstairs and came back down with some keys I suppose is for the handcuffs. I was zoned out for a little until I finally hear a metal click "Yay, finally!!" my wrist felt relieved again. "Can we play hide and seek in the dark?" Paige asks "Uhh I gotta get goi-" before I can finish my sentence Puncho yells. "First to get caught playing or not has to eat 3 spoonfuls of mayo" Man... by its self? I'm in at that point. Roman already started running off somewhere, I didn't really pay attention and neither did anybody else I guess.

I start running before they even start counting dashing towards me stairs, cause they are not about to catch me eating no mayo, I dont hate it but by itself? ew. "Paige since you suggested it you're counting" "fine" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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