Jealous, who?

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Roman's Pov:

I know im being mad obvious, but how could I not? Watching a girl I had a small secret crush on since I was 15 slowly start to replace me, Ian even jealous, I'm just on the low scared of getting replaced, "she wouldn't replace me, defintely not with Jackson right? She most defintely wouldn't." I say my thoughts out loud since i'm in the bathroom. "Roman" shit. "Ari, why are you so nosy, and where did you come from?" I heard Ari, she is defintely about to get on my case "Boy if you like her than just say that, you sittin up in here boutta cry cause you lettin anotha nigga try to take yo girl, that's on you" she says shrugging. "shut up Ari". She stay giving me tough love or advice, this serious, she better stop playin wimme she know I'll tell Reggie that ha and Td still talkin. "Ight whatever, when jackson steal yo girl don't come cryin to me, Omarion, Paige, RJ, Cam, Miya, nun of us, cause I know damn well we finna hear "iM not JeAlOuS wE aInT eVeN dAtiNg, head ass." "Ari just be quiet you just make stuff worse forreal" mean mugging the hell out of her. "Yea yea, wanna come downstairs wit us" "I guess just don't say nun to them bout anything I said in the bathroom." She lookin away laughin so now I know I gotta make myself clear. "Ari I'm so serious, don't say nothing, I'll give you 20 dollas just to simply keep yo mouth closed."yea Boy whateva that ain't no promise though, you lucky you blood" she says laughing
"alright come on"

I go downstairs to see Puncho and Gali talking on the same couch me and Seraph used to always show videos to eachother at. Whatever I'm just thinking too hard. Over at the kitchen I see Taylor and Cam play fighting behind the counter me and Seraph used to play fight all the time and make a bunch of pranks. So done with this mind process lately, it's like I'm catching feelings for my girl bestfriend all over again. "I'm finna just go sit on the couch to clear my mind real quick." I'm zoned out until I see Seraph walking downstairs, she looks kind of nervous, "roman" she has such a baby face "ROMAN" "WHAT?" "You're literally staring Seraph down right now" Paige said in what she considers as a whisper, got me fucked up half of WTO heard that. I look back over at Seraph to see her looking at Jackson, gosh he ruins everything, me and Seraph gets a 100 edits per day while he gets what? Just one clip with her messing with her rubberband like lameeee, he could never be me.

I started walking over up to them and she looked up at me like she was happy, probably cause I've been constantly avoiding her after that video.. "Hey Seraph" "Hey Roman !!" I've already been caught staring I might aswell tell her how I've been feeling, I just can't get with her cause she's 14 and I'm 17 like God why did you have to make our birthdays so far apart... "uhm I needa talk to you about something, sure you know what's it's finna be about" I grip her arm not even realizing how hard I'm gripping it "Roman, you're hurting my arm can you loosen your grip?" She says as we were walking upstairs "Oh yea sorry bout that. I look down at her to see she's already looking up at me like she's confused "Roman let go fully I'll just follow you" alright. When we got to the room I shut the door behind her, she looked like she was mad nervous. "Seraph." "Mm?" I sit on the bed. "You know it's something there, we both know" "yea?" "What im trying to say is i like you more then you think." "yea I mean we are bestfriends after all" she was nervously laughing about this? "NO you don't understand i hate the idea of seeing you with-" "Whatever Seraph, you think everything is a joke!" I yelled storming out the room closing the door behind me.

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