Soul ties

445 8 3

Seraph's POV

This Chapter is a bit shorter!!

"THEY HANDCUFFED US WITHOUT OUR CONSENT!!" We both yelled and looked at eachother in horror for about a good 2 minutes before yelling "RJ, ZACK" "they are the only two that has been in here" I was still surprised and I look up at Roman he seems to not care, more like unbothered, but when he saw me looking at him he went back to "panicking" starting to think he doesn't really care, at the same time he does obviously have feelings for me. I look away trying to think of a way to get out of this situation just to look back up and see him looking down at me smirking. Is he forreal enjoying this? "So what do you wanna do first" figure out a way to take these off before I catch feelings any more. "Oh just figure out a way to take these off" "oh." "You okay Roman?" "Yea uhm let's just go downstairs and pressure everybody to tell us where the key is at" he said looking at me licking his lips. I have not been able to keep much eye contact with him lately, it's usually a piece of cake. But he's been looking at me a bit more different lately. A way that no doubt makes me nervous.

As we were walking downstairs I was quick to yell before we even turned the corner "WHO PUT ME AND ROMAN IN THESE HANDCUFFS" everybody started looking at eachother giggling and whispering, smh what did I expect from them. I look up at Roman expecting him to say something but he responded with "yea" "in order for yall to get  un-hancuffed yall need to give eachother a front hug for 3 minutes" Taylor spoke up. WHAT, I mean his hugs are comfortable but I'm just trying not to catch anymore feelings. I look up at him for approval and he just gave me a "idrc" look. I snaked my arms around him and pulled him into a embrace.

I feel so safe in his arms...

I feel so loved in her arms.

When we released everybody looks at us in awww, and Ari, Paige, and RJ, started jumping up and down giggling like little kids. Lord. "Anyways where's the keys." "Oh yall ain't getting them ".....huh, what do yall mean" now I'm getting nervous cause if this ends up being like a 24 hour challenge or something I-

"yall have to do a 24 hour handcuffed challenge cause it's obviously something going on that yall needa settle." I look up at Roman to see him smiling a tiny bit but when I looked he quickly stopped. Okay... "You fine with this?" "yea."  I look up at him again to see hes already looking down at me, ofcourse. "Seraph..." ''hm.'' "I need to use the bathroom" he responds nervously. Oh. "Uhm okay I can stand outside of the bathroom and just stick my arm in there and you can use the arm we dont have handcuffed to aim yk..." 'Yea thats smart, come on" he said gripping my arm AGAIN. while walking to the bathroom we bumped into...

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