Chapter 5:weird situation

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--The person you have calling is not answering,please try again later..

.....why is she not answering my calls,is she angry for the last night?(me to myself)


Pitter:"Hey dude,long time no see and why are you upset?"

Me:"I'm not upset".

Pitter:"Don't lie to me,something really happened,tell me."

Me:"How can I tell you?"

Pitter:"Why can't you tell me,don't you think me your best friend?"

Me:"okay,let me explain-the day when I was waiting for you to go Mariana's birthday party,took shelter beneath a closed shop.."


Me:"then I fell in love at first sight"..

Pitter:"What,with whom?"

Me:"She was not only a girl for me,I felt so special that I can't tell you the feelings."

Pitter:"So,did you met the girl again."

Me:''even we went on a date once."

Pitter:"And you ediot didn't feel the need to tell me.Tell me how you met her again."

Me:"That was completely a coincidence,one day on my chamber she came to me to treat her mother and I was totaly shocked".

Pitter:"Wow,it's look like god has made you for each other".Then why are you upset, what happened to your new made relationship?"

Me:"Relationship!no,we are just friend and the date was a friendship date."

Pitter:"So,has she rejected you?"

Me:"She felt sick after the date,she was feeling dizzy so I returned her home with my arms...and after reaching her room I slipped to her slippers and fell upon her body..and after that night she is not picking up my phone".

Pitter:"Oh dude be confident!go her home with some gift and tell her sorry."

Me:"Is that so easy".

Pitter:"Everything will be easy,cause your pitter is going with you."

Me:"But I have total 15 patients to deal today,we will go at night."

Pitter:"okay,then bye."
--Ouuh!too stressful today...


Pitter:"Pardon me bro,I can't go with you today,my aunt has come after so many month."

Me:"Can I do it alone?"

Pitter:"Why not,I know my 'confident king' can do it."

After taking a long breath I press the bell....


She opened the door and stared at me for a second...


--"Airish..why are you behaving like this..why you closed the door..I already told sorry for last night...Airish please...don't misunderstand me."

--ya pitter,say..

Pitter:"Is everything okay there?"

Me:"No,worse..she closed the door immediately after seeing me.."

Pitter:"give me her number..I'll talk to her.."

Me:"No seems I'll never get her love..sigh!"
laying on bed I have nothing to do but overthinking..A call comes..its pitter again.

Pitter:"I have an idea.."


Pitter:''I'm hiring a girl for you".

Me:"What rubbish,what you wanna do now?"

Pitter:"Let me explain- you should date the girl and see her reaction what she will do..if she have feelings for you she will definately get jealous and will talk to you.."

Me:"what a foolish idea,she has no feelings for me..It will not work bro.."

Pitter:"No bro,at least trust me once..It will definately work...are you free tomorrow?"

Me:"Ya,no work tomorrow,okay lets do according to your plan."

Pitter:"Ya,be ready at 8:00 P.M tomorrow."


(Will continue in next episode.....)

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