Chapter10:Things are not like before

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Pitter:hey!are you free today?I'm thinking to have a great time with you.

Me:Pardon me..actually 3 days ago Airish's mother have passed she needs mental support from me and I promised her to meet today.

Pitter:What are you saying?her mother had died...then definately she needs your support..

Me:yaa,see you soon.


With an excitement she opened the door and hugged tightly that I can feel her pain and loneliness within a second.

She hold my hand and took me to her room...

Me:Are you feeling better now?

Airish:Yes Mr...with the help of you, I believe I'll be happy forever...just don't leave me like my mom.

I lean a little forward and hugged her..

Me:I'll never leave you,at any cost.

I gently kissed on her forehead and keep my hands on her hair..


Let me see!(me to her)


Pitter:I thought to surprise you guys..

Me:You remembered the location.
what a memory power you have.

Pitter:Hehe!I have a better memory than you dude..

Me:My memory is also good..don't compare.

Airish:hehe..cute friendship of you two..Pitter come and sit here..

Pitter:Ofcourse my darling!

Me:Hey how dare you to flirt with my bae.

Airish:uff stop it guys.

Pitter entered with so many food in his back...

Airish:You didn't need to bring so many foods..its too much.

Pitter:If you guys can't eat..I'll eat all of these..

Me:Yes,I know you 'Hungry Monster'.

We shared a lot of food with soft drinks...And funny conversation with pitter as always.

Pitter:And did you remember the girl we met on the Nightclub Bar?

Apocalypse...why this topic come out infront of my possessive girlfriend...What will I do now?

Airish:What?What did you say?You guys went on a Nightclub Bar?

Me:We were gone but it is not what you are thinking..

Airish:You went on a Nightclub Bar..what shouldn't I think?Don't try to understood me what is a Nightclub Bar..

Me:Ya we went there but didn't do anything..except drinking..

Airish:Shut liar!

Me:Airish please believe me..

Airish:I can't..

Me:You should believe least I'm your love..

Airish:What the fu* went on a nightclub Bar without my permission and you are saying just for drinking alcohols?


Airish:What do you think of me?am I a fool?Don't I know what is a Nightclub Bar?

Me:Please be calm and try to understand.

Airish:get out of my house..I don't want to argue with you a rubbish boy.

She forcefully pushed me away.
Me with pitter came out from her house... a colourless tear on my eyes of the black coloured pain...

Pitter:Hey don't cry please..

Me:Its your fault..why you disclosed the topic infront of her.

Pitter:Ya it was my fault..I'm sorry.

Me:And why didn't you tell her that we didn't do there anything except of drinking..

Pitter:Actually I got nervous so I couldn't speak anything.

Me:At least she would believe me cause she loves me..but she didn't..
she is not like before.

Pitter:See,her mother had died its affect her mentally..

Me:Ya..and I think she is now the victim of B.P.D..


Me:Yes! A psychological disorder where people feel extreme mood swings and they can love and hate one person at a time..

Pitter:OMG!you are not wrong..this can be true that Airish can be a victim of the disease..

Me:And I think she will never talk to me..I don't know what is she thinking now..(heavily crying)

Pitter:Be patient..everything will be fine..

Me:No,Things are not like before.

My Girlfriend Is BPD(Borderline Personality Disorder)Where stories live. Discover now