Chapter7:Love Me

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--auuch!what a headache..

It's already 9A.M and I'm still in the bed,I can't go to my chamber...

--feeling dizzy..oouhh!

My body temperature is on the peak.


--"Hello Airish!"

Airish:"Good Morning..are you okay? seems like you are not feeling well."

Me:"I'm totaly ok,can you come to my house today?"

Airish:"ok,but when my baby?"

Wow!it first time getting a flattery word from her...she said me 'baby' cute..

Me:"Whenever you want."

If my fever will not cure she will be tensed..I have to take a pill.

--where is my!

I can't go to the shop,nobody is there is no way rather than waiting for my fever to calm down a little.I can't treat her well when she will come to my home..alas!

It's already evening and my fever is getting worse....

--I want to see her,when will she come?


It seems to be she..


Somehow I opened the door...

Airish:"What happened to you?your face is reddened..

She raises her hand touch my forehead.

Airish:"oh no,you got a fever and it seems the temperature is very high..why you told me that you are okay?If I knew that I would come early."

Me:"I didn't tell you because I think you will be worried."

Airish:"Don't be a kid ok?and why you haven't take your medicine yet?"

Me:"I couldn't found it."

Airish:"ufff!seat there I'm going to buy it."

Airish:"lay down and open your mouth."

Me:"aaaaaaa"(opening my mouth)

Airish:"take rest!I'm with you untill your fever get down.

I hold her hand and said...

Me:"No,I'll not let you go..please stay with me there forever."

She gave a ringing laugh and said..

Airish:"hahaha,ok I'm not leaving...but for now I have to go to the kitchen.I will make your favourite soup..

--So good smell!

Airish:"Soup is ready."

I almost lost the strength to pick up the bowl..

Airish:"Give it to got so weak.."

She took the bowl and feed me with the spoon..

Airish:"why your fever is not coming down..?"lay here and take some sleep.."

Saying this..she brings her lips to me and kisses gently on my forehead..

--oh my god!my fever will get double.

Suddenly I hold her and pulled her close to me..So close that she can feel my warm breath due to fever,we both are blushing..

Me:"Love me".

She said nothing but stared at me..

Me:"Love me more."

She closed her eyes and touched her nose to my nose....I grabbed her soft and gentle lips and sucked...
Her lips are on my touchable moment that can't be forgettable...ummm I can taste the sweetness of her recently chewed chewing gum..

Me:"You are feeling tired and sleepy..lay down."

She lay dawn besides me..our eyes has stopped to each other..then she closes her eyes and come closer to me..and hugged me

Airish:"Love me."

--I kissed on her forehead and hugged him also.

Sex..what is romantic?..there is nothing amiable like that.This is called real love where you both can feel your soul has attached to each other..I wish our love will stay like that forever!

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