Chapter9:Borderline Personality Disorder

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24 hours passed and she still not recieving my phone...death of her mother is too much painful to her that she even couldn't cry..and these symptoms are highly worrisome.

At this moment if I want to support her..I can't. Cause the biggest mistake that I made in my life..for which I'm regretting it still now..
I gave bribe to becoming a psychiatrist.

For the case of Airish's mom she recovered somehow and though I'm a fake psychiatrist, I know a very few tips and tricks and that's why I can deal with my patients. People see me as a good doctor.

But this guilt will be lifetime with me.

Dinggdonggggg....dinggggdongg the door...Airish

Later I noticed that the door is open.I entered and saw that she is sitting with sad and anxious face.

Me:Airish..look at me..this is me.

She didn't reply

A few seconds later.....

Airish:Do you know why my mom is not coming yet?

Me:Airish..try to understand,she is no more..(shouting at her)

No reply from her.....


Airish:Go away from my house..

She forcefully pushed me out from her house..


Umm..let me have an idea to recover her..I can't left her alone in a house in this situation...

It's already 11P.M at night...

--Idea!(Me to myself)

I droved the car and went to her house..

I stopped it near her house to implement my idea.I carefully climbed upon the roof through her house pipe.Then I break the lock of her garret with the hammer and entered into it.

I know this idea is crazy but I have no way rather than to do this.

The stairs of her garret is connected with her I can stay here and enter her rooms easily to keep my eyes on her..

I slept on her garret last night..lets see what is she doing.

She is brushing her teeth..I think she will back to normal in few days..all I have to do that everyday I have to notice her.

6 days passed and I can see a little bit of improvement but still worried.

--She is coming this way...what should I do now?(Me to myself)


Airish:who is there?

I slipped from the stairs as I was hurried up to hide from her.

I was silent for not knowing what should I say!

Airish:Why and How did you enter my house this way? Answer me.

She looked around and saw the garret door is open..

Airish:Oh my god..You came this way..and you had broken the lock.What if anybody else would entered.

Me:Actually I was worried for you and also you didn't let me enter your house so I came upon with this plan.

Airish:What are you saying?I didn't let you enter my house?but I can't remember to do so..why are you lying.

Me:I'm not lying..believe me you were in shock after your mom's death.

Airish:You are annoying my mood to lying me this way..and you don't need to come to my house to check me..I can do my own care.

Me:Okay I'm leaving now.Please be calm..

I left her house with a sad face but I'm a little bit happy inside that she has improved..

I reached my house and took a nap..

Ringgg...tringgggringgg ringg

Airish is calling me..thank god..


Airish:Hey,sorry I messed up with you..I don't know what happened to me but I'm facing mood swings.

Me:Don't worry I'm with you..nothing will happen to you..

Airish:So can you please come to my house tomorrow?


Airish:Okay,good night.

Strange!the symptoms are like this is a genetic disease, she can be a victim of the disease..I'm worried for gut is saying something will be bad..

And 'Borderline Personality Disorder' is not can be very dangerous but varies to persons..and I think Airish is too much emotional and this will so tough for her to escape form the disease if she will be the victim of the disease.

My Girlfriend Is BPD(Borderline Personality Disorder)Where stories live. Discover now