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    Xichen was meditating in Hansi when Lan Zhan enters without knocking.

Xichen opened his eyes "Wangji, why are you here so early in the morning, what's wrong?" He asked confused

Lan Zhan didn't say anything, he just pulled Xichen to his feet

"What's wrong, Wangji?" Xichen asked confused, but still followed Lan Zhan

Lan Zhan sat Xichen on the bed, he then also sat next to Xichen, he let out a golden light from his hand, and gently patted Xichen's stomach.

Xichen was a little surprised, because it felt a little painful, he looked down at his stomach, then he looked at Lan Zhan, and smiled "it's alright Wangji, I'm fine" he said softly

Lan Zhan pulled back his hand "does it still hurt?" He asked quietly

Xichen shook his head "not anymore" he answered

There was a pause between them, Lan Zhan's face looked flat, but Xichen knew what he was doing

"What is it?" Xichen asked

"Xiongzhang, if possible, don't leave the mountain yet," he said hesitantly

"Why?" Xichen asked again

"Last night. Don't want Xiongzhang to get hurt again" Lan Zhan's expression changed, he now looked like a little kid

The expression that he only showed to Xichen alone. His spoiled

expression Xichen laughed amusedly "oh forget it Wangji, don't worry about it. Xiongzhang is fine" he said trying to calm him down.

"..." Lan Zhan was only silent

Xichen held his hand, "Wangji, do you remember when you and I played pranks on Shufu?" Xichen asked

Lan Zhan nodded "we put the chicken in his room because he didn't let us see mother"

"And we laughed out loud together"

Lan Zhan nodded again

Lan Xichen laughed very loudly "Wangji, I miss your cheerful laugh. But I'm happy, you smile more often since you got married" he sighed "it seems like I've been replaced by Weiying"

"No." Lan Zhan said firmly "Xiongzhang is still there"

"Where?" Xichen asked

Lan Zhan looked down embarrassedly

"Where?" Xichen asked again, he asked in a teasing tone

Lan Zhan brought his and Xichen's hands to his chest "here..." He said quietly

"There?" Xichen asked again Lan Zhan nodded slowly

"Ei Wangji, how old are you? Why do you still look like my little Zhan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan looked at him with a sharp gaze, but his cheeks were red

Xichen laughed amusedly, he pulled Lan Zhan's hand and hugged it with both hands "no need to worry, I'm fine as long as you're here" he said softly

Lan Zhan then smiled slightly at him which Xichen returned with a big smile

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