A little ray of sunshine

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Arjun's pov ~

I was marching from on side of the room to another as the doctor did his examination on Sabar. Why the fuck was our life so complicated? Why can't we be a normal couple? Getting over traumatic pasts wasn't enough that now Dev is coming to fuck our present. Fucking Dev, I'll rip his heart out ones my beby gets well. Oh god please let Sabar be safe. What is this doctor doing? How much time does it takes? If he fails to bring my wife to her senses I'll get my revolver and shoot him in his balls.

While I was rambling with myself the doctor was finally done with his examination. He stood up and came towards me with a smile. Why the fuck this motherfucker is smiling? My wife fainted and he finds this entertaining. I'll break his nose. I'll...

"Mr.Arjun I have some news", the doctor spoke interrupting my thoughts.
"What doctor?", I asked. My heart racing .
"We should step out and speak. Let Mrs.Arjun rest." We stepped out of the room and I shut the door softly. I turned towards the doctor with anticipation.
"Mr.Arjun it's a good news. You're wife,Mrs.Arjun is pregnant. Congratulations".
I stood there dumbfound as his words registered slowly into my brain. The doctor was looking cluelessly at my expressionless face. He raised his hands and waved around my face but I stood still . I wanted to react but I don't know why but my body wasn't moving. The doctor shook me a little harshly breaking my trance.

Author's pov ~

The moment Arjun's trance broke he ran from the point he was standing to the end of the corridor towards his right and screamed his lungs out. And then ran to another end of the corridor and again screamed and started bouncing and dancing with constantly chanting "baby , baby , I'm having a baby....". The doctor stood with an open mouth being clueless of how to react towards a grown ass man who has turned lunatic suddenly.
Arjun came bouncing towards the doctor and started bouncing along with the doctor chanting,  " we're pregnant, my beby is pregnant, pregnant , pregnant...".
The doctor just dumbly kept jumping with him. When finally Arjun ran out of his energy he stopped jumping and hugged the life out of the doctor and said,
"Thank you so much Doctor. Thank you Thank you", and kissed the doctors cheeks. The doctor was too shocked to react and had accepted his defeat infront of this lunatic man and wanted to run away from there.
"Mr Arjun please fix an appointment with an OB-GYN asap and yes do convey the news CALMLY to your wife. Congratulations again. Good bye". Saying so the doctor ran out of the house before Arjun could kiss him again.

After an hour finally Sabar opened her eyes. She slowly looked around the room searching for something. As her eyes turned towards her left side she found her husband beside her sitting on the bed with his eyes closed. All the revelation came back to Sabar. She kept looking at Arjun without blinking. Feeling a gaze on himself Arjun turned his head towards his wife and saw her gazing at him. He caressed her cheeks and kissed her forehead . He opened his mouth to speak but Sabar cut him and spoke,
"Arjun listen to me please and don't interrupt...I love you. I love you more than anything in my life . We both have a part of ourselves which is dark and messy but we have learned to stay with it. You have loved me through all my mess and I never felt any doubt on you or your love. You have always loved me unconditionally and kept me safe. You're my safe haven. Your past or I should say present does bothers me but I don't care. Nothing matters to me more than you and the life that we're building together.  I know and have all my faith in you. I know you'll keep us safe like always.  I don't know nor do I want to care about your mafia and my role as your wife. I'm your wife and all your vices and virtues are mine. So I'm with you through all the thick and thin. I don't know what future has in store for us but i swear on my vermillion and the vows I took on our wedding that I'll stand by you no matter what. Let it be Dev, the mafia or anything, let God itself come but nothing would come between us. It's always Sabar and Arjun against the world. We're in this together. I love you ". Sabar bared her heart with tears continuously rolling down her eyes. She hugged Arjun to calm her racing heart. Arjun held her tight. He knew it took a lot for Sabar to accept this reality and she's putting all her faith in him. He promised to himself no matter what he would never let anything break their home. Nothing comes between them,absolutely nothing.
After calming down Arjun was the first to break the hug. He still hovering over Sabar kissed her gently on her forehead and then led to kiss her slowly on her lips pouring all his love into it. Sabar understood the unspoken vow Arjun conveyed through that kiss to her. He would never let anything separate them, and that was all she wanted .
Arjun broke the kiss and raised his head to look at Sabar's face.
"Beby, I have something to tell you", he said smiling showing all his teeth. Looking at him Sabar's face also broke out into a smile.
"Beby, we're having a baby." Sabar's eyes spread like saucers as her brain registered his words . Arjun was patiently waiting for her to react. He knew it was going to take a few minutes for the news to sink in.
"What ", Sabar said while sitting straight up.
"What did you say Arjun", Sabar said with shock clearly written on her face. She couldn't believe what she heard and wanted to confirm if what she heard was the truth. Oh! How much she wanted it to be the truth.
Arjun gave a full blown smile , held Sabar's arms softly and repeated himself slowly,
"Sabar we're having a baby. You're pregnant wife".
Sabar's face broke out into a smile and she jumped on Arjun hugging him tightly.
"Oh my god really. Oh my god. Arjun I'm pregnant. You'll be a dad and I'll be a mom. Oh my god. " Sabar screamed into his ears . Though it was painful for Arjun's ears but he was too lost in the joy to care for it.
Arjun chuckled and said, "careful Subbu. Stop jumping, You'll hurt yourself and our baby". Immediately Sabar stopped her little dance and sat back straight still smiling ear to ear like crazy.
Arjun caressed her cheeks and said,
"I have booked an appointment with the most recommended gynac. Tomorrow be ready in the morning. We'll visit after breakfast".
Sabar nodded her head excited. She caressed her stomach . Watching her Arjun put his hands on her. Sabar looked at him with all her love radiating through her eyes, and spoke
"Our little ray of sunshine".

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