Let's go back

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Sabar was on her laptop working on her article and Arjun was making arrangements for their travels. They were going back to India. He didn't care about Dev or any other damn thing . His wife and child were his utmost priority and he cared less about anything else. Clearly Scotland hasn't been the safe haven they thought it could be. India was safer and most importantly it was home. With family around Arjun could completely focus on taking care of the issue for one's and for all without having to constantly worry about Sabar's well being.
When Sabar first heard of this suggestion she was completely in it. India was way more better than Scotland. With both her parents and in laws she could focus on her familial life more than having to worry about every little thing herself . Arjun would be surrounded by trusted family and friends and she wouldn't have to worry about his well-being constantly and can focus on her pregnancy. As of her work she would be doing all the work from her laptop and if need arises she would travel.
Arjun has already taken care of the business and would travel here only if his presence is a must. Karan would take care of it here.
"Uff!! Finally done. Now with everything managed we can go back tomorrow night in peace", Arjun spoke getting of his desktop and leaning against his chair. Suddenly he felt soft fingers on his forehead moving in slow circular motions.
"I'll go and make some tea. You have it and the lie down for sometime. You have been working constantly for the past week" , Sabar spoke slowly trying to ease his pain. Arjun was up and working from the moment Sabar's pregnancy was announced. He wasn't going to keep her in this hell hole anymore and was tirelessly making arrangements for their move.
"Hmmm...that feels nice. But you should rest with me too. You had to go back and forth from your university to here and having to sit with your laptop for so long , it must have stressed you as well", Arjun said taking a hold of Sabar's hands . Sabar bent down and kissed his forehead and said, "I'll get your tea. Then we'll rest". Saying so she moved out of the office room and went to kitchen. Meanwhile Arjun got up went to his room , changed into something comfortable,  freshened up and got on bed. After 10mins Sabar came with the tea. They both drank silently and then after putting the cups away they both slept thinking about the future.

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