My Name is Billie and I'm Freaking Out

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Lillie Joe's POV

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Luna and I were currently begging on our knees in front of Mrs. And Mr. Jacobs to let us go to the seventh-grade party tonight.

"Please, Mom!" Luna begged while grabbing her mom's hands, "Dad, please let us go! We want to meet Green Day!"

"Mrs. Jacobs if you let us go, we'll-we'll- we'll end world hunger by banning starving!" I shouted.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs looked at each other and laughed in amusement at our begging.

"It starts and ends a little late, doesn't it?" Mrs. Jacobs asked.

"It starts at 7:45 and ends around midnight!" Luna answered.

"It's Friday! It's not a school night, please let us go!" I hopelessly begged.

"Will you and your classmates behave yourselves?" Mr. Jacobs asked.

"They only let the good kids go!" I said.

"They said that the kids who have the best grades and behavior are allowed to go and they'll be checking to see if someone who isn't allowed there, snuck in!" Luna exclaimed.

Mrs. Jacobs sighed, "Fine! But you're leaving at 11:45!"

Luna and I screamed loudly. Not squealed. SCREAMED.

"Alright! Alright!" Mr. Jacobs laughed, "Now get in and get the car so I can take you to school."

"OKAY!" Luna and I squealed, grabbed our bookbags and lunches, then raced to the car.

We dove in the backseat still giddy after getting permission to go to the party.

"I'm so excited!" Luna squealed.

"I am, too! I never thought I'd be able to go!" I exclaimed.

Mr. Jacobs finally entered the car and pulled off toward the school. I was looking out the window, wondering where Green Day currently was. Wondering where they live. Not their addresses, just the city or state they live in. I was so enthralled in my thoughts, that I didn't notice Luna watching me. I turned around to face her and she smiled at me then looked away. For some reason, I slightly felt my heart sink when she looked away from me. Like I wanted her to watch me.

For as long as I could remember, I always wanted Luna's attention on me. Before and after I realized I liked girls as much as i liked guys. I always thought of Luna as a beautiful girl. Her personality and beauty always pulled me to her. Like she was something metal I was a magnet. When I found out she liked me, I saw her differently. I used to look at her and then think nothing of it, but now whenever I look at her, I guess I don't want to look away. But, just so it's not awkward, I tore my gaze off her.

"Alright, have a great day, girls!" said Mr. Jacobs.

"Thank you!" Luna and I said in unison then exited the car.

Walking into the school, we spotted Matthew getting his belongings from his locker.

"Matthew!" We ran towards him.

"Oh! Hey, guys!" He smiled.

"I'm going to the party tonight!" I squealed.

"What?!" Matthew shouted happily, "No way! I can't believe it!"

"Yeah, Luna and I had to get on our knees and beg her parents."

"Oh my gosh, you guys are- wait, Luna's parents? What about your mom? Does she know about it? And why do you have all those bruises on you? What happened?"

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