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Monday, June 3, 2013

Lillie Joe's POV

I walked down the hallway with Ash-Lynn, Chara, and Charity on my sides. We walked by Luna and Matthew and waved. They waved back at us. I noticed not only did Luna wave at me, but she waved Ash-Lynn, too. I sent Ash-Lynn a confused look, and she smiled like she had just won the best prize in the world.

"What did you do?" I asked suspiciously.

"Luna and I had a little chat," she said smugly.

"Excuse me?!"

"Look, I just told her to stop being a shitty friend and accept the fact that you found love and she needs to move on!"


"You know what I mean."

I sighed as Ash-Lynn and I entered our classroom, and Charity and Chara went to their classes. We sat in our seats, and Matthew plopped down in his seat not long after we arrived.

"Hey, ladies," he mockingly flirted with us.

"Hey, Matthew," we mockingly flirted back, then we all laughed.

During the class, we worked together during group projects and worked quickly and efficiently. Now Matthew sees what I see in her.
At the end of the day, I waited for Luna at my locker. I knew she was gonna meet me here, so I waited a while.

"Uh, Lillie Joe?" I heard her voice from behind me.

"Yes?" I asked, trying not to sound too rude.

"Let's talk," we began walking out of the school while she explained why she acted the way she did.

She told me she was jealous and never experienced heartbreak before and didn't know how to react. The only emotion she felt was hatred toward me and especially toward Ash-Lynn. I told her she should try talking to me instead of ghosting me. She apologized, we hugged, and then went our separate ways. I started walking to my house while listening to Viva La Gloria.

When I entered my house, I dropped my bookbag and collapsed on the couch next to Dad, who was watching television.

"Hello, father," I greeted.

"Hello, daughter," he chuckled, "how was your day?"

"It was great! I made up with Luna today."

"Good for you! I'm glad everything's alright between the two of you."

"Yeah, me too."

There was a comfortable silence between the two of us until he turned me and asked, "What do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't know," I said, "I was never really asked that question."

"Well, I'm gonna ask you that question every single year on your birthday. Then I'm gonna ask what you want for Christmas and where you want to go during the summer. So want do you want?"

"Dad, I already feel like I already got what I want."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"You," I smiled as he hugged me, "and a loving family. And two amazing uncles. What else could I need?"

"A laptop?" He suggested, "A new phone? Clothes? New shoes?"

I giggled and stood up, "You can get me whatever you think I need and would like. I'm heading to my room."

"How about we decorate your room on your birthday?"

"I'd love that. Thanks, Dad."

We smiled at each other as I ran up the stairs. Before going to my room, I went to Joey and Jacob's room. I knocked and waited patiently for someone to open the door. When the door opened, I had to look down a bit to see my little brother, Jacob standing there with a smile.

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