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Lillie Joe's POV

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dad and I and currently sitting in an interrogation room, waiting for an officer and our lawyer to start questioning me. We were sitting in silence until we both spoke up at the same time.

"My birthday's in two months!" I said while he said, "Your birthday's in two months."

We chuckled. I think he was about to ask me what i wanted to do for it, but were interrupted by two men in suits entering the room and sitting across from us. The first man has a round face with a warm smile. He has shoulder-length, curly brown hair. The other man has a handsome appearance. He has dark hair and a strong jawline, stubble on his chin, and red-tinted glasses.

The bright-haired man smiled at me and my Dad, then introduced the man next to him and himself, "Good afternoon, my name is Foggy Nelson, and this is my partner Matt Murdock. We'll be your lawyers for the upcoming court if that's fine with you."

"That's fine. I'm Billie Joe Armstrong, and this is Lillie Joe Armstrong," Dad smiled and nodded, "so, how will this work? Like, how would the questioning with Lillie work, and how can I get full custody of her back to my wife and me?"

"First I would like to say I like your names," Foggy complimented while Dad and Matt chuckled, "was it you who chose them?"

Dad scoffed, "Everyone keeps asking that! Believe it or not, it was my wife who chose the name."

"Well, it was a great choice. Now, Mr. Armstrong, will it be alright if you entered another room with me to discuss court dates and answer all of your questions? Are you comfortable with leaving Lillie Joe with Matt? He still needs to question her."

"Will you be alright, Lillie?" Dad asked me.

"I'll be fine, Dad," I nodded.

"I'll be right back. Don't be scared, answer all of his questions."


"See you around, Lillie," Foggy said.

"Bye, Foggy!" I called.

Dad and Foggy left the room, closing the door behind them, leaving Matt and I alone.

"Hi, Lillie Joe," he greeted.

"Hi, Matt," I smiled, "I like your glasses."

"Thank you, you wanna know why I wear them?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"It's because I'm blind."

"You're blind?"

"Yeah. So, since you know something about me, can I know something about you?"

"What do you wanna know?"

"How about... your favorite color?"

"Aren't you supposed to be questioning me on what's been happening before I reunited with my family?"

"We'll get to that, but right now, I want to get to know you."

"Alright... you said you wanted to know my favorite color, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"Well, I mainly like purple, but blue and black look amazing with it. I love those three colors."

"My favorite is red and black. What about your favorite TV show or movie?"

"I don't have one."

"Really? How come?"

"Gemma never allowed me to watch tv and when she did, it was whatever she wanted to watch. I never liked it because it was always something really scary and gruesome. I think she wanted to scare me on purpose. I wouldn't sleep for days after she made me watch those shows and movies."

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