Yes, Baby, I'm Back

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Lillie Joe's POV

"Surprise!" I said before seeing who opened the door.

Someone met with an ear-piercing scream and arms, tackling me in a hug. I could tell it was my Mom because of the girlish scream and the hair that covered my face as she hugged me. She started sobbing as she squeezed the life out of me.

"It's alright, Mom," I rubbed her back, "I'm here. I'm home."

"Lillie...," she pulled away to look at my face, "gosh, you're so cold and pale."

"Well, I was dead," I joked, and she chuckled.

"Adrienne?" I heard Dad's voice call as he sprinted down the stairs, "Are you alright?"

"Mom?" Joey's voice and footsteps followed Dad's.

Mom turned to face them, hiding me behind her, "Billie Joe, cancel the funeral!"

"What?!" Dad looked angry and surprised, "Why the fuck would I do that?"

"Hi, Dad," I hesitantly said as I stepped from behind Mom.

When he looked at me, he completely froze. His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open. I heard Joey scream Jacob's name as he ran towards me and hugged me. As soon as he touched my skin, he jumped back.

"God, you're so cold! And white!" He shouted.

"Number one, Hello!" I said, "Number two, I think I was in some sort of freezer or morgue. And Number three, you're racist."

He laughed and backed away once Jacob saw me, "Lillie Joe? Where were you all this time? Why are you so white?"

"Hey, Jacob," I smiled as he hugged me.

"Mom, can you get Lillie a blanket while Jacob and I call Mike and Tré?" Joey asked, "Let's leave Dad to get over his shock."

Mom wrapped the blanket on the couch around my arms while I walked into the house. I was still shivering, though. I walked to Dad, and he had tears building in his eyes while he smiled.

"Are you alright, Dad?" I asked.

"Hey, Marcus," he laughed slightly.

"Oh my gosh!" I shouted, annoyed, "I was going to hug you, but I'm annoyed right now. I will change my clothes, then ignore you for a couple of days. Maybe I should keep this doctor's uniform. I should be a doctor for Halloween, shouldn't I? I do look great. I'm hungry, thirsty, and cold. Maybe I'll make myself something to eat after I finish warming up. Hopefully, I'll get my color back-"

Dad interrupted me by pulling me into a hug, "Two days. That's how long you've been gone for. And everyone went crazy. We missed you."

"I'm sorry for being gone for so long," I apologized, "saying goodbye to everyone took longer than expected. Did you clean up your room? Is Mike okay? Did Joey never tell Jacob that I died?"

"Slow down, kiddo," Dad chuckled, "I have a question. When you were saying goodbye to everyone, did they see you? Or was it only me?"

"You were the only one who could see, hear, and feel me. I think Mike and Tré could hear me. I was talking to them while they slept, but they still responded. I kept fazing through the walls and door and everything else I touched. Did you ever finish that song?"

"Yes, I did. And I made another one for you, too. Now, to answer your questions, Adrienne cleaned the room, and Mike is fine. Tré and I helped him with his hangover. And, no, no one told Jacob about your death, and no one will. It will crush him. Especially since we kept it from him."

I nodded understanding and started going up the stairs, "I'm going to get changed. I assume Mike and Tré are on their way now."

I ran up the stairs and went to my room. I changed quickly, assuming Mike and Tré were getting here as fast as they could. I looked at myself in the mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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