Stay With Me

137 4 13

A/N: Terzhoe_836 thanks for the request hope you like it I tried my best I haven't slept lol forgive me if its rubbish -Cumulus

As the stadium lights dimmed, a hush fell over the crowd, anticipation building in the air. Suddenly, the stage burst to life, illuminated by an array of colourful lights. Papa IV emerged from the shadows, his charismatic presence electrifying the atmosphere. Beside him, Morgan strummed her guitar the opening of Kaisarion, her silver ghoul mask a vivid contrast against the backdrop. He had always had a soft spot for Morgan. She was young beautiful and highly musically gifted much like himself.

One of the guitarists, Aether, had taken the day off as he wasn't feeling well so Morgan volunteered to take his place for that show as she already knew all the songs and solos as she liked to hand out with the band during practice.

The show was going well. Everyone being as passionate as they were, was making this show almost flawless. The crowds were unable to look away from the exhilarating performance in front of them. But Papa couldn't contain himself. He'd been thinking about his and morgans interactions over the last few months subtle hints here and their sly touches and long lustful glances and he couldn't take it anymore he wanted her to be his and so he had a plan to seduce her.

-1hr later-

It was coming up to the end of the show and the band had just started the opening notes to Kiss the go-goat. A fan favourite of the Seven Inches of Satanic Panic album.

Papa Emeritus IV's POV

"Hey baby

Kiss the goat


Kiss, kiss, kiss the go-goat

You've been playin' around with magic that is black

But all the powerful magical mysteries never gave a single thing back"

I sang as the crowd began to cheer. I slowly made my way over to Morgan who was currently showing off her guitar skills to some fans at the front. The Ghoulettes had lent her a spare mask while she covered for Aether.

I knew that under that mask was the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. long shoulder-length hair big hazel eyes and a smile that could stop your heart and start it all over again.

As the music swelled, I dropped to one knee right next to her and wrapped my arms around her leg holding her close in a mock embrace my hand stroking her thigh slowly as I began to sing once more.

"You've been daddied by all the dudes that were not dad

And all of those dads never gave you the things

that you should have had"

Morgan was caught off guard blushing lightly and burst into laughter but maintained her composure. I moved my hand further up her thigh and I could see the glint of passion and desire flicker through her. She bit her lip faltering on her guitar before snapping back to reality and realising where we were and continuing to play.

Morgan's POV

Papa clung to my leg as I danced and played the notes of the song the fans cheering at the small interaction. What they didn't notice was the fact that ever so subtly his hand was going further and further up my thigh. His touch was intentional as if he knew how I felt about him. I bit my lip as my eyes rolled into the back of the mask and faltered on the guitar. SHIT! I quickly regained my composure and continued to play flawlessly once more for the rest of the song.

If that's how Papa wanted to play so be it. Two can play that game. The end of the song came pretty quickly so it gave me time to think about what type of revenge I could use against Papa.

The previous song had now ended the opening chords to Jigolo Har Megiddo began filling the arena the young girls cheering as they watched me step away from my platform and walk towards the front of the stage and next to Papa who was completely oblivious to my approach.

I danced sensually, slowly but with purpose. The Cheers from the crowd increased which caused Papa to look around confused when he jumped when he saw me so close. He bit his lip as he continued on with the song reaching out to touch me but I slapped his hand away and he fell to his knees crawling to me. I strummed the guitar proud that I made him so weak from love or lust. Either one I won't complain.

His singing became breathier and breathier as I danced around him with my guitar. He looked as if though he might cry. I lent down to kiss his cheek and made my way back over to the platform the crowd cheering breaking him out of his shock and back to the performance.

Finally, the show ended we handed our instruments to the stagehands and went back out to the crowd to bow and hand out guitar picks and mummy dust. Papa and I were in the middle of the Ghouls on either side of us as we all held hands bowing to our amazing crowd. As we bowed Papa Whispered to me "That stunt you pulled earlier bellissima ragazza will not go unpunished. Run." it ended in a growl his eyes sparkling mischievously. I ran off stage and to the dressing room removing the mask which now felt a bit too tight and too warm and threw it on the table before turning and deciding the supply closet was as good a space as any to hide from the now lust-driven Papa.

Papa Emeritus IV's POV

Morgan was such a good girl. She listened to me almost immediately running from the stage. It was like a game of cat and mouse. In this state of vulnerability, I discovered a newfound strength, for love had the power to make even the mightiest crumble and surrender.

I made my way over to the dressing room opening the door quietly so as to not alert Morgan to my presence. I look around the room checking for clues if she was there. On the corner glistening under the fluorescent lights was the spare Ghoul mask.

As I picked it up to examine it, a small sneeze echoed around the room. Supply closet. Clever little mouse but not clever enough. I crept quietly to the door counting down "3...2...1!" I swing the door open and Morgan squeals backing up and tripping over a mop she lands on the floor clutching her chest. I shut the door behind us and help her to her feet.

"Bellissima what was that out there?" I whisper in her ear stroking her head and holding her close to me. I can feel the subtle change as her heart rate increases. She looks up at me her big doe eyes sparkling. "I couldn't hide it anymore Papa. I think I'm in love with you," she whispers searching my eyes to see if I reciprocate. It was as if an invisible force had seized hold of my very being rendering my knees weak and unsteady. "I love you more than anything Morgan" I whisper pulling her close and feeling vulnerable. Each touch, tender and electric.

our lips met in a delicate dance of tenderness and longing, creating a symphony of sweetness that sent shivers down my spine. Time seemed to stand still as our breaths intertwined, our hearts beating in perfect synchrony. The soft brush of our lips awakened a surge of passion, a blissful connection that seemed to transcend the physical realm. In that single moment, our worries dissolved, replaced by an overwhelming sense of warmth and belonging. It was a sweet kiss, the kind that lingers on the palate, leaving a trail of delicious sensations that would forever be etched in their memories.

Pulling away I look into her eyes a small smile lingering on both our faces. "Stay with me?" I ask hoping she would. "I will go anywhere with you" she whispers back holding my hand close to her heart.

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