The White Rose Serenade

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A/N: Thank you all for the birthday wishes, and we reached 5k on See the Light the day before my birthday, so thank you!  Here is another request from Terzhoe_836. I hope you all enjoy it. Sorry it's so short - Cumulus

Copia had been known as Papa Emeritus IV for almost a year now. He was an enigmatic figure who walked the ministry's halls veiled in a mysterious aura, much like the clergys legends whispered by the firelight.

While the clergy members spoke of his hauntingly beautiful music and ghostly performances, no one knew the secret he kept hidden within his heart: his unrequited love for a Sister of Sin named Jane

Jane was an ethereal beauty with hazel eyes that sparkled like the stars above and a smile that could illuminate even the darkest corners of Papa IV's lonely and isolated world.

Her presence alone was enough to make his heart race and his soul dance. However, he couldn't find the courage to express his affection openly, fearing that it might jeopardize the beautiful connection he had with her as friends and colleagues.

Every morning, Jane would wake up to find a single pristine white rose at her doorstep, accompanied by an anonymous letter. The letters were poetic and heartfelt, expressing emotions that seemed to mirror her own unspoken feelings.

She was puzzled by the mystery, but the enchanting gesture of receiving the roses filled her days with a warm, fuzzy feeling.

As the days turned to weeks and weeks turned into months, Jane couldn't help but become curious about the identity of the mysterious sender. She considered the possibility of a secret admirer but dismissed it as a far-fetched fantasy.

She shared her excitement and intrigue about the roses with her best friend, Amelia.

"Amelia, you won't believe what happened today," Jane gushed, holding a fresh white rose in her hand, slowly bringing it to her nose to smell the sweet scent and smiling lightly.

"What is it, Jane?" Amelia replied, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Jane recounted the story of the daily roses and the heartfelt letters, and Amelia listened intently, captivated by the tale. "You have an admirer, Jane! This sounds like a classic romantic story unfolding right before your eyes."

"But who could it be?" Jane wondered aloud. "I can't think of anyone who would do something so sweet and thoughtful." She said, frowning lightly frustrated.

Amelia left Jane to ponder the mystery. She couldn't help but feel that this enchanting tale held a hint of truth beyond the romantic fantasies. Deep down, she had a feeling that the person behind this grand gesture was someone very close to her.

Unbeknownst to Jane, the anonymous admirer was, in fact, Papa IV. Each day, he put his heart into crafting the letters and carefully selecting the perfect white rose for her from the green house on the Meliora grounds.

The thought of revealing himself frightened him as he feared the rejection would shatter the magical connection they had.

One evening, the air was alive with anticipation as Papa's world-famous band Ghost prepared to perform in the town just outside of Meliora.

The town's amphitheatre was filled with excited fans, and Jane was among them and some sisters and brothers from the clergy, eagerly awaiting the mesmerising performance.

As Papa IV and his Ghouls took the stage, the audience erupted with applause. He glanced over the sea of faces, and his heart skipped a beat when he locked eyes with Jane. Tonight, he decided, he would finally muster the courage to reveal his love.

The band began to play, the haunting melody of Cirice and captivating lyrics weaving through the crowd. As the performance reached its peak, Papa IV stepped forward kneeling in front of Jane, holding a single white rose in his hand, its purity mirroring the emotions he felt for Jane.

With trembling hands, he leaned forward to the edge of the stage and extended the rose towards her, his heart pounding in his chest. "This rose is for you, Jane," he declared, his voice filled with raw emotion.

Jane's heart soared with both surprise and delight as she realised the truth behind the mysterious gestures. Her eyes welled up with tears of joy as she took the rose from his hand.

"You're the one who sent the roses and letters, aren't you?" Jane whispered, her voice barely audible over the cheers of the crowd.

Papa IV nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. He continued performing the song, never breaking eye contact with her.   The show finally came to an end, and Jane made her way back stage, hoping to speak with Papa.

She found the nervous Papa pacing backstage surrounded by his Ghouls, who were looking like they were trying to comfort him, but it only made him more nervous. So, she cleared her throat, startling the group.

"So.. it's me. I couldn't hold back my feelings any longer. Every word, every note, every rose—I poured my heart into them, hoping you'd understand how much you mean to me." Papa IV said shakily, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

Jane felt a whirlwind of emotions, the weight of years of unspoken feelings lifted from her heart. "I had a feeling it was you," she confessed, "but I never imagined it would be this magical."

The Ghouls erupted into cheers, but for Papa IV and Jane, the world around them seemed to fade into the background. Their connection was now unveiled, and the powerful emotion that bound them together could no longer be hidden.

As the night continued, Papa IV and Jane shared a deep conversation backstage, where they bared their souls to each other. Their bond grew stronger, and the mysteries of the past were replaced with a hopeful future.

From that night on, Jane and Papa IV's love story unfolded like the sweetest melody. The daily white roses were replaced with stolen moments and stolen glances. The clergy and its members watched in awe as the once mysterious figure found his heart's desire and openly embraced the beauty of love.

And so, the tale of Papa IV and Jane became yet another legend whispered in the fireside stories of Meliora, a story of love that blossomed like the purest white rose.

Their love story was a reminder to all that sometimes, it takes a little courage and a lot of music to find the most magical and sincere connections in life.

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