Painted Affections: Love and Artistry

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A/N: Hi ghesties, I'm back again with another request from the lovely Gh3stie I hope you all enjoy. -Cumulus

Brother Aspen's POV

It was a rare quiet day at the Ministry. Brothers and Sisters of sin and other members were all busy as in a week was Papa Emeritus IV's birthday. It was his first birthday here since being anointed Papa, so it was a very special birthday.  

Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil, whilst 99% of the time were cruel and intimidating, had decided to do something nice for Papa.  They had tasked each Brother and Sister of sin to make or buy Papa a gift that would be given to him at his party.

Despite being given the new job title of Papa, Cardinal Copia remained the same shy and humble soul beneath his enigmatic face paint. While the world saw him as a powerful and charismatic figure, commanding the stage with his commanding presence and captivating performances, behind the scenes, he was still the same modest and introverted person.

Despite the transformation into Papa, the weight of his new role did not change the essence of who he was – a vulnerable and sensitive artist who found solace in the darkness of his music and the comfort of his art.

So what does one do for someone like that without overwhelming them but still showing your appreciation and admiration?

I had decided to paint a portrait of his rats.  Behind closed doors, he transformed into a caring and affectionate pet owner. He would spend hours in their company, talking to them as if they were his trusted confidants.

He showered them with love and attention, making sure they had the best care possible. His face would light up with joy whenever he saw them playing and interacting, finding comfort and solace in their presence.

For Papa Emeritus IV, his pet rats were not just animals, but cherished companions who brought a sense of warmth and genuine love into his life, away from the spotlight and the grandeur of his Papal persona.

I wanted to give him something to remind him of them whilst on tour as he wasn't always allowed to take them with him.

I head to his office as he wasn't on the grounds of the Ministry today due to meeting with our Sister Ministry so I knew I would have time to paint his beloved rats and leave without being noticed.

I snuck in quietly, closing the door behind me and locking it, gaining the attention of his rats who looked at me through their bars of the cage curiously.

"I'm sorry, but it'll be worth it" I whisper to the rats.  I set up my easel and canvas before placing tubes of animal safe paints in various colours and different size brushes on his desk before making my way to the cage. 

Slowly, I unlocked the cage door and introduced myself. "Hi there, I'm Aspen." I hold my finger out to them which they sniff then hold with their little paws. I'd say that's success. 

Carefully, I take each rat one by one and place them on the chair in the corner near the easel, and they seem to understand as they all huddle together, unmoving, ready for me to paint them.

Painting rats is a joy, capturing their adorable nature on canvas with every stroke. Their tiny paws and bright eyes come to life, revealing their unique personalities. It's a heartwarming process, celebrating the beauty of these often overlooked creatures. I can see why Papa loved them so much.

After a few hours, I was nearly done, but something was missing. I looked at the canvas and then back at the rats and vice versa for what seemed like hours, but in reality, it was only a few minutes, and I realized what was missing. 

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