Hunter's Moon

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Hunters moon

A/N: @LurknessMonster I hope you enjoy this. I tried my best. Warning: this is spicy spicy so if you're under 18 please do not read - Cumulus

October is a special time for the Ministry and for all who reside within. Not only do they get to celebrate Halloween and have parties but for the Nameless Ghouls it is even more special. Each October there is a holiday referred to as The Hunters Moon. This is a time where a month leading up to The Hunters Moon the Ghouls watch and observe the Brothers and Sisters of sin. How they interact with the Ghouls and other members within the clergy, how efficiently they do their work, their personality etc.

If the Ghouls see someone they like they inform Papa Emeritus IV so he can then inform them that they have been chosen to be mated to the Ghouls and for the next year  they stick with their Ghouls and make sure the Ghoul is well taken care of. Now, it was rare only ever happening a handful of times at the Ministry but if all goes well this pairing can lead to a lifetime bond. If it is true love and not just infatuation the Ghoul and their temporary paired mate can make it official almost like a human getting married to their true love. They will be mated for life.

Aether was a special Ghoul within the Ministry. He was Papa's right-hand man. He had never participated in this holiday. He had never found anyone who he felt could be a match. It didn't help that his appearance scared some of the Brothers and Sisters of sin. He was tall and large in stature. Muscular and most of the time he looked angry but that was just his face he couldn't help it. He was intimidating and no one really bothered to try to get to know him to see under that textbook masculine demeanour was the sweetest man you ever knew who was funny and talented and caring. That was until this year.

Over the last month, he had been observing a particular Sister of sin. Her name was Bronwen. Now, to others, she wasn't much to look at. Long brown hair always tied up into a ponytail, big rectangle-shaped glasses that basically swallowed her face and made her look kind of nerdy, not tall but not short either and not particularly strong. She was perfectly normal. Not many people noticed her around the Ministry. But Aether did.

From what he observed she was a rare combination of hard work and sweet and caring. She never said no to someone who needed help or advice and she gave people the space they needed if required. She was perfect. A little shy and a little dorky but there was no denying she was one of the good ones. She was one of the handful of the Ministry who gave Aether the time of day and always did so with a warm smile. He knew if he was going to pick anyone it would be her.

Aether's POV

"Have you picked anyone for the Hunters moon?" Rain asked as he walked into the Ghoul basement hang-out and plopped himself down into the seat next to Dewdrop and Aether. "Yeah I let Papa know this morning a spunky little firecracker named Delila," Dew responded with a wicked smile. "What about you Aether? Did you finally find someone worthy?" Rain asked, resting his head on his hands and staring at him and Dewdrop copied his brother.

"Well, I'm not sure. I think so but there's no guarantee she'll even say yes. I don't want to force her into anything she doesn't want." I responded by rubbing the back of my neck nervously and frustrated. "FOR REAL? CONGRATULATIONS!" Dew and Rain roared, running over from their seats and hugging me. "What's her name?" "Have you informed Papa?" "Tell us about her" questions were thrown at me from every angle from the two excited Ghouls.

"Relax guys. I'll tell you just calm down. I already feel overwhelmed and you guys aren't helping." I chuckle and we all walk over to the three-seater in the middle of the room. They sat and turned to face me, they looked like little kids hearing the best story in the world, Dew barely able to contain his excitement was wiggling in his seat.

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