Bad Acting Skills

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————————————————Word count: 1124————————————————

I decided to go outside and explore the Departed Realm today. 

Let me just tell you that it was a terrible idea. 

I woke up at 6 am and decided to get ready. I brushed my glorious white teeth, and took a 15-minute shower. I applied lotion to myself and walked into my closet. All the out fis were different colors, all the colors except green. 

The First Spinjitzu Master knew that I would be tempted to wear green. I sighed to myself loudly. I grabbed blue jeans and I white T-shirt. Also, a black hoodie in case I got cold. I dressed my self up and looked in the mirror. 

Not my usual colors but, I look awesome anyway. I grabbed a pair of Ninjaforces 1 and almost left my room when I remembered. 


I, Lloyd Garmadon, am the only person with this shade of green eyes. It was a mutation caused by my overuse of powers. Anyone can tell that I'm the green ninja because of my bright green eyes. 

I carefully put in my blue contacts. I checked myself in the mirror one more time. 

At least I didn't have to dye my hair black or anything.

I made my way downstairs to my kitchen. I grabbed a bagel from the fridge and cut it open. I slid the two pieces of bread into the toaster to cook. While I was waiting I took a jug of orange juice from the fridge and poured it into a tall glass cup. 

Right when I was finished my bagel was done. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet and placed my now perfectly toasted bagel onto it. I checked the fridge for some cream cheese and pulled it out. 

I plucked a knife from the utensil drawer and began to rub cream cheese on my bagel. I would normally add bacon and scrambled egg, but today I didn't feel like it. 

I picked up my food and drink and went over to the living room to see how my family was doing. 

All of them were sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, including my... 


When did he show up?

They were discussing some scroll that could bring me back from my coma. I'm going to assume that their plan isn't going to work. Because I am going to be in a coma for the next 16 years. 

After I finished my food, I placed the dishes in the dishwasher and turned them on. I put on my shoes and grabbed my door keys. 

Once I was outside, I locked my door and walked down the steps. I looked around at my surroundings. It looked just like Ninjago, but less city-like. There were no super tall, 100-floored buildings. Some small shops and parks were surrounded by trees.

I walked around for a bit and found a candy store. Luckily Leonardo Galiston, likes candy, so I won't be deprived of my comfort food. 

As I was walking through a recognized someone in the shop. His long black hair with one green stripe could be noticed by anyone. 


I pull up my hood and walk over the candy isle. 

Airheads, swedishfish, candy hearts and BAM Skittles and Starburst. The best candy of them all. 

I pick some up and stealthy make my way out of the store Sprry ig not to be caught or seen by Morro. Once the coast was clear I pull down my hood.

"Lloyd is that you?" asks a voice from behind me.

I freeze. Foot steps seem to becoming near me but I don't move. A boy with black hair walks in front of me. The boy was Morro.

"Lloyd how did you die?" He asks

"What? My name is  Leonardo Galiston, not that brat Lloyd Garmadon," I say. Morro doesn't look convinced,. He pulls me into a more secluded area and begins talking me.

"Look Lloyd I know it's you. You are literally the only one in this realm that is super buff and blonde. And besides your acting skills are horrible."

I gape at Morro's false accusations. I am not bad at acting, I was in multiple Tv shows when I was alive because of my amazing acting. 

"Dang you are even wearing yellow? That color looks so weird on you considering the only color you where is green." He adds.

I roll my eyes, "what ever you caught me, but before you ask, no I am not dead." 

Morro gives me a confused look. "Then how are you here. It's called the land of the departed not the land of the living."

"Well I'm supposed to be in a 16 year coma, but my Grandpa allowed me to be in the departed realm so I wouldn't be bored for the next 16 years of my life. And trust me, you do not want to experience Lloyd Garmadon's boredom," I laugh at the thought. 

 There was this one time when I was 13 in the monastery and there were no missions. The guys were playing video games. Nya was building stuff like always and  I was my room bored. So you want to know what I did. I annoyed the guys for 30 minutes until they legitimately kicked me out of the gaming room. Of course I was angry and still bored. So then guess what. I decided to play pranks on every single one of them. 

I glued everything in Jay's room to the ceiling, I exchanged Kai's hair gel for red hair dye. I ate all the cake in the fridge. And I somehow managed to reprogram Zane. Don't ask me how. I'm secretly an evil genius muahahaahahaha. 

Let's just say, I was almost dead with laughter. Master Wu couldn't punish me because he had no proof, but they all knew it was me. Kai's hair was red for a full 3 months. Cole was super pissed that I ate all his cake. Zane spoke in slang that no one could understand. And Jay spent the whole day getting his things off the ceiling,

Anyways back to the present.

"Woah lucky you," Morro says.

"It's not luck, Grandpa did it because of the amount of times I've sacrificed myself for Ninjago. And trust me I've sacrificed my self a lot." I retort. "And if you don't mind me I'm going to go back to my house and eat skittles while watching MLP." 

I sashay all the way back to my house leaving Morro in shock as he stares after me. 




what do y'all think? Lloyd's def a vibe rn. 


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