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Soooo, I was just almost caught by Morro. How dare he say I have bad acting skills. I literally starred in a tv show, ad, what ever it was. Go reading Go! Ugh now I have to find away to avoid him now that he knows that I am here. 

To be honest I'm getting kid of lonely being here all by myself. I'm used to all the noise of having a house full of boys and 3 girls. I wonder how they are doing. 

Ding ding 

That is the weirdest door bell noise  have ever heard. What kind of door bell goes ding ding? Like ew, it's supposed to be ding dong. 

While I was contemplating that I realized that I had to answer the door. 


Who would come to disturb the great Leonardo Galitson. 

I opened the door to be greeted by a light brown hair girl, about my age. She some how reminded me of Edna the face structure and the pink glasses. Eh what ever.

"Is it true?" She asks me the second I opened the door. No hellos or how are yous. Just straight up Is it true. I don't even know what she's talking about. 

"Is what true?" I ask,

"That you're the green ninja!" I quickly slam the door. How did the news spread that quickly? That snitch Morro. I knew I shouldn't have went into that candy store. Oh shoot I just slammed the door in someone's face. 

I quickly recover and open the door back up. I look side to side to make sure no one is watching or listening, it appears that this girl is the only one that came. 

"Quick get inside," she looks a bit skeptical at first but it's not like I can kill her or anything. She's already dead 💀. She gets in and I shut the door. When I turn around she's already in my living room.

"Nice place," she says as she plops herself on the couch. I take a seat across from her; my serious interrogative face on. She takes the hint and silences herself.

"Who told you that I was the green ninja?" I question

"Oh I heard it from a guy, who heard it from a girl who heard it from this other girl who got the information from a guy- wait no a girl, or was it a guy? Eh whatever, and that person heard it from a store owner who heard it from a police man who heard it from a guy with black hair, I'm pretty sure his name was Morro," 

The information was still processing in my head. I had only speaken to Morro a few minutes ago. HOW DIDHALF THE DEPARTED REALM KNOW ALREADY. 

"And how did you get my address?"

 She shrugs. "I looked on the community board and saw that someone new under the name Leonardo Gatstilion or something-." I cut her off. 


"Yeah yeah what ever, and I was like. Wow that's new never saw the person before. Then k realized if you rearrange the letters you get orlandeo ligaston and once you do that you put all the letters into numbers and you get 1625726272762826. Now herewas the tricky part. I researched when the green ninja was born. I got like July 17 1140. So if you turn all of that into numbers and then subtract it from the other spnumber sequence you get left with 77049 64534602 and guess what if you flip some of the letters around a bit you get Lloyd Garmadon. Soo that's how I came to the conclusion that you Leo are Lloyd Garmadon." She rambles


"How long did that take you?" I ask her, my brain still trying to comprehend what I just heard. 

"Oh it took me like 4 minutes," she waved it off like it was nothing. 

"Wow um just wow."

"Thank you," she blushes a little. 

"So yes you are correct I am Lloyd Garmadon, but may I ask who are you?"

"Oh I'm Jayla,"

"Jayla Walker"


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