The Rumor that Started it all

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 "Ahsoka Tano to the principal's office. Ahsoka Tano to the principal's office" I hear my name being called over the intercom. I walk out of the classroom I'm in and head to the principal's office, on my way there I get weird glares from upperclassmen.

"What?" I ask. 

"Don't act like you don't know, Lekku." One of them responds. I hate it when they call me Lekku. They only call me that because I'm the only togruta in the school. I get to the principal's office and see Principal Kali. He has a scowl on his face.

"Tano, have a seat." He tells me. I take my seat, and he starts to bombard me with questions.

"Are you aware of the rumor going around about you?" He tells me, in a softer voice than when I came in.

"No Sir," I respond, there are a lot of rumors about me but I can't think of any recent ones.

"Well, a large amount of drugs were found being hidden in the girl's bathroom, with the intent to sell. We asked a group of girls if they knew who was hiding the drugs, and they said it was you." My eyes widened at the accusation.

 "I would never do or sell drugs!" I really didn't do it.

"Now that's the thing, I don't think you did it either. I am aware you are top of your class, what would you have to gain from selling drugs? You would have everything to lose but out of almost one thousand girls we asked at this school, one hundred of them said it was you and no one else was accused. I'm also aware that many other hurtful rumors have gone around about you that have been proven false." He tells me. He's right, there have been so many terrible rumors about me that I don't even think I could count them all. One was that I've never kissed anyone, and another was that the only reason I do so well in class is because I bribe the teachers. There are so many rumors that I could write a damn list.

"I called your parents, they should be here soon." 

Five minutes after he says this, my mom and dad come rushing through the door.

"What happened? We heard we had to come down as quickly as we could!" My dad said, panting. Principal Kali explained the situation to them. The pure look of horror and humiliation on their faces was something not even the best actors could reenact.

"Why would you sell drugs?! That was the one thing we told you to stay away from!" My mom yelled while my Dad just glared at me furiously.

"Even if the rumors are fake, parents are demanding her expulsion from South Kinly high school," Principal Kali tells my parents.

"Well, they can do all they want because you are no longer my daughter!" My Dad yells. After he says this I began to cry. Out of humiliation, Out of fear, Out of anger because I didn't sell those drugs but all the blame was going to me. And now my life is over. No college is going to want to accept someone with that on their permanent record.

"But I think I might have a solution. If she were to transfer to a different high school then being expelled wouldn't go on her permanent record. And since the rumor was never proven I would be able to look the other way and not put it on her permanent record." He tells me and my face lights up again.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I tell him

"You're welcome, here are three options for a new school to go to."

 Principal Kali hands me three pamphlets. Each one is for a different school. The first one is Outer Rim Academy: School for the Gifted and Talented. I take a look at the pamphlet and see there's a tuition cost of 20,000 Galactic Credits. Yeah no, way too much money. The next pamphlet I look at is about North kindly high school. It's essentially the same school just more drugs and I'm a lot less likely to get into a good college, plus almost everyone at South Kinly knows someone at North Kinly, so everyone's probably heard already about this rumor. Hard pass. That just leaves Centle High. There's nothing special about this school that I know of, it's probably as far away from this school as I'm gonna get, it could be my chance for a fresh start.

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