First day of high school, Part 2

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Authors note: I am so sorry that I haven't been able to update very often, I have been really busy. But hopefully, I can write these next few chapters in a short amount of time.

"Looks like we have to go now if we're gonna make it to class. What do you have this period anyways?" Asked Sharia as we left the bathroom

"I think home ec." 

"Nice! You got an easy class." 

We both went our separate ways and I got lucky because my class was close to the bathroom. I can't stop thinking about Anakin, he was so dreamy. I wonder if he would like me. I don't tend to be a boy's first pick when deciding who to date but if Anakin were to ask me first, I wouldn't be opposed to it. I don't think I could work up the courage to ask him though. I walk into the classroom, it was the size of my old schools auditorium, The format of the room was five rows of eight miniature kitchens, they were all in a position like bleachers, each one just a bit higher than the last so everyone could see the teacher. There were only about ten people here and thirty empty mini kitchens.

I walk to the teacher to ask her about something. She was a Togruta like me, she had brown eyes and a skin tone a shade or two darker than mine, and her lekku were incredibly long, most togruta's lekku only reached their waists but hers reached her shins.

"Hi, I'm a new student, I was just wondering where I sit," I whispered to the teacher. She was looking down at a newspaper, she looked up, she was originally scowling, for what reason? I can only guess. But her scowl turned into a small smile when she saw me.

"You have a seat in the back, behind the kid in the black hoodie, what's your name by the way?" she had an accent that reminded me of my mother.

"Ahsoka Tano."

"Ok. My name is Miss. Ti." 

I take a seat in the back, behind a girl in a black hoodie. The bell rang and a flood of students came in, they all went to their mini kitchens, and Miss. Ti took started to talk. She had to shout a little so that people in my row could hear her.

"Ok everyone, today we will be making Sha'it, for those who don't know, Sha'it is a traditional food eatin' on Tattooine. There should be a cookbook for you to follow along with if you fall behind the rest of the class and as usual, I will be tasting your food to see if it is worth a passing grade, those who pass can leave early without cleaning up, and those who fail will stay and clean up after them." She starts to list the ingredients we'll need, I've never heard of half these ingredients.

"Ok, we will begin now!" She shouts for everyone to hear. She starts telling us what to do and how to do it but I'm confused and I'm falling behind the rest of the class. I try to use the cookbook to help but It's even more confusing than the teacher is.

"Flame the bantha butter to the appropriate temperature but remember this stuff is highly flammable!"

What the hell does the "appropriate temperature" mean? I've never used this stuff before in my life. And oh god, it's highly flammable. Well, what's two expulsions in one week, one for rumors of selling drugs and one for burning down a school? I check the book for what to do but it still isn't helpful.  Eventually, I managed to put something together, it looks gross and kinda mushy. Well, so much for a passing grade. I put it in the oven and pray.

"Ok, time to put your assignments on my desk and I'll judge."

"I'm not done yet!" Called the girl in the black hoodie in front of me.

"Neither am I!" I shout.

"I'll grade you two after class." She gives everyone an honest review. Though, some reviews were more brutally honest than others.

All the people who got a pass went off to roam the hallways, while the kids whose dishes were deemed not that great were cleaning up after themselves and the other kids. Meanwhile, the girl in the hoodie and I were standing by our ovens awkwardly as we watch the kids clean. Pretty soon, the people who 'failed' finished cleaning and left for lunch, and seconds after they left, the other girl's oven went off. 

"Ahsoka could you come down for a second!" The teacher shouts. I run down the steps.

"Ahsoka this is your first time cooking with food other than your homeland's ingredients, isn't it?"

"Yes." I shyly admit.

"I noticed when you tried to make the Tusken Bread, it is supposed to go on the side but you tried to put it in the oven." I'm confused about what she meant by that.

"Hey, do you smell anything burning?" I sniff around and she was right, something did smell like it was burning,

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, what could it be? Maybe it's just a weird thing for-...OH MY GOSH, YOUR OVEN IS ON FIRE!!!"  The oven I was using was now flaming, it was on fire. We ran up the steps as fast as we could and I told the girl in the hoodie.  Miss. Ti got a fire extinguisher and put it out but my Sha'it was ruined.

"Padme, why don't you head to lunch and come back later to get my opinion on your Sha'it, I'm gonna have a word with Ahsoka." I guess her name was Padme, she runs out of the classroom with a small smile on her face. Now it's just me and the teacher.

"Ahsoka why did you do that?!" 

"Do you mean with the oven?"

"Yes, I mean the oven!! Why did it burn?"

"Because I didn't know what to do with the bantha butter, I'm really sorry."

"I know you didn't mean that, but I'm required as a teacher to give you a punishment, so I'm going to give you one after-school detention, even if the oven isn't damaged, I can write you some notes on our next dish."

"But I have a job that I just started! I can't afford to miss days of work in my first few days."

"I really am sorry about this Ahsoka but I have to, otherwise I lose my job." 

"I understand." I walk out of the room and head to lunch.

Authors note: This was kinda a short chapter but in the next chapter Ahsoka finally goes to lunch with Anakin, I should be able to post it in a few days, maybe sooner.

Anisoka in High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now