First day of high school, Part 1.

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*bang bang bang*

I wake up to a pounding on my door again. What could it possibly be now? I go to open it and see Mrs. Novak. 

"I noticed your alarm clock wasn't working yesterday and I thought I would wake you up for school. I'm guessing you go to Central High?"

"Yeah, I do, how did you know?"

"Ahh, you're fifteen, it's the closest public school. Well, I guess you could have gone to one of the thousands of private schools, but I kinda figured since ya know you were kicked out of your home for that rumor you were talking about, you wouldn't have the money." 

"Do you know where the shuttle pickup is?"

"Yes, it's eight floors up, and it leaves in fifteen minutes."

"Thank you," I tell her before closing the door.

Ok, I have fifteen minutes. I'm still in my work uniform from yesterday, I slip out of it and look down at my clothes, they still surprisingly look pretty clean. I empty my backpack on the table, I found something in my backpack that I didn't see before. It's not much, just a pack of gum, not even good gum. It was flavorless gum, just designed to make your breath smell good. 

I get a whiff of my morning breath, it's not that bad but I haven't brushed my teeth in two days, so it doesn't smell great and I don't want to give off that impression on my first day. I pop some gum into my mouth and chew on it while I repack my bag for school and stuff everything I don't need into a cupboard. I make my way to the elevator, I see one other person who looked my age get on it. I wasn't planning on talking to him but he was already trying to make conversation.

"Hey, are you heading to the shuttle stop for Central High?" 


"You're new here, right? Because I haven't seen you around."

"Um, yeah I just moved here."

"Cool, I'm Kitster, and you?"


"Would you maybe want to sit with me and my friends at lunch today?" 

I smile. "Sure" He smiles too.

After the long ride up, we finally reach the shuttle area, I just follow Kitster to the exact place we are supposed to wait for the shuttle. And within a few minutes, it arrives. Kitster goes to the back, to sit with his friends I presume. At least he took pity on me, I can at least sit with him today. 

After half an hour of riding in the shuttle, we arrive. I have my backpack and my schedule in hand. I take a step off the shuttle and feel the brisk cool air, it feels so different from Shili, the air there is always hot and humid.

I'm almost halfway to the huge building a short walk from the shuttle, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and I see the face of a girl who looks similar to me, kinda. She's a togruta with brown eyes and purple skin, and lekku that reach her hips. Behind her, back several feet are more Togruta, all with excited looks on their faces, all looking at me.

"Hi, are you new here?" 

"Um yes, I'm Ahsoka."

"Hi, I'm Suki. We don't get a lot of New Togruta here, do you wanna walk to class with us?" I nod.

"That's Kori, Sharia, Marca, and Tori."

"Oh, what classes do you have?" Asked Marca. I just show them my schedule.

"Oh, we have sixth period P.E.," Said Marca

 "And we have class together in second period Biology," Says Tori.

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