Getting a Job

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Authors Note: In case you took my warning about the quality of the previous chapter and skipped to this one, there's an update. Ahsoka came to Coruscant and managed to buy an Apartment, ( I know apartment is technically not the right word for when you own it but it's close enough) but she finds out It has many problems. Now she's off to find a job, the only problem is she doesn't have any skills that someone would want to hire her for. She will have to learn them if she wants to survive.

I woke up breathing heavily. I thanked God, this was all a dream and I'm back home in my house on Shili. I take a look around to see the same disgusting apartment that I not so proudly call my own. I had just slept the first night in my new home. One thing Miro didn't tell me was the fact that the electricity doesn't work either, so instead of the alarm clock on the floor for some reason waking me up, a loud pounding on my door woke me up. Note to self: Never trust something that you didn't buy or that was just left at your home when you get your first apartment. I force myself to get off the disgusting floor and answer the door. When I open the door I see a sweet-looking old human lady. She wore a long blue dress with feathers and lace and her brown hair was tied in a bun. She peered into my apartment.

"Oh, good morning dearly, I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. I hope I didn't wake you."

"Oh no, it wasn't a problem." I try to reassure her. But I'm almost certain she knows it's a lie.

"Oh good, I made this for you. Homemade from scratch." She hands me what I think is some sort of casserole. It's huge, it could easily last me two weeks, if not more.

"Try it." She says. I take a small peak at it from under the foil it's wrapped in. From the looks of it, it's a Turu grass casserole. This poor old lady probably thought that since I'm a togruta all I eat are foods from Shili. Togrutas truly can't stand the taste of Turu grass.

"Of course, I can." In my head, I'm trying to yell at myself for eating this.

"It's really good. I wish I had time to eat more right now but I have to go look for a job." I wasn't planning on leaving to look for jobs until much later today but I need to get away from that casserole. I grab my backpack from the old creaky table in the kitchen.

"You know if you looking for a job, I think the mechanic a level down is hiring." 

Well, I've never worked on an actual ship or speeder before outside of a few high school mechanic classes. But I'm desperate for money and how different could they possibly be? 

"Um, sure, That sounds like a good idea."

I take an elevator one level down, and when I get off I look around to try and find the place the lady was talking about. I look to my left and see a shop with a help wanted sign on the window. This must be it. I walk through the door, and as soon as I step inside a man walks over to greet me. He didn't look excited though, in fact, he looked almost angry.

"What do you want fixed and how much are you willing to pay?"

"Umm, Hi my name is Ahsoka and I'm here about the help wanted sign on the window." As soon as I say this his scowl turns into a smile.

"Oh, hello my name is Nxy, I'm glad you came. Things have been rather busy around here, So I need help. If you would just follow me this way, we can start the hiring process." I nod in response. He walks me over to a small shuttle, similar to the one I was on recently, but much smaller.

"Show me what you got." He points to the shuttle.

"Huh?" I ask in confusion. He looks annoyed.

"Fix it, so I can see if you're worth hiring."  

"Of course." This is bad, This is really really bad. I am not sure how this works. My thoughts all start to clump together in my mind and I can't remember anything from that class I took not so long ago. A little bit of the information I absorbed from the class pops into my mind and I start to work on the shuttle, I work for about twenty minutes until Nxy stops me.

"Not bad, but I can tell you've never worked a day in your life on ships." The guilt has been piling up for the entire time while I was trying to fix the shuttle. I finally come clean.

"Your right, I haven't."

"Well, you're in luck because my boss is requiring me to hire someone else since the last employee quit. And also I take pity on you, if you are lying just to get a job down here, on this floor, you must be desperate." I only nod in shame at my poor situation, It could be way worse though, I could not have a home, and I could not have the extra money saved in my backpack, Or I could not have had the incident at South Kinley and my last school erased off my record. But it could be a lot better, I could be still living with my parents, and I would not have to worry about money.

"Why don't you come back tonight, when you come back I'll put you in the shop's system for employees and get you a uniform. I'll also give you the first of many lessons to come on mechanics."

"Thank you so much for this." 

"You're welcome, see you tonight. Don't be late!" He yells as I leave the shop.

I take the Elevator back to the level I live on. When I walk to my apartment, I see the old lady from before watering her plants. I'm surprised those plants are alive, sunlight doesn't go down this far with all the skyscrapers and buildings blocking it out. They must be fake plants.

"Oh hi! I remember you from this morning, I never caught your name." She asks me,

"I'm Ahsoka Tano, and your name is?

"Noel Novak, you look pretty young dear, how old are you?"

"I'm 15." She audibly gasps.

"Well, where is your family, Why are you all alone, what are your plans?"

"My family kicked me out, I'm all alone because a fake rumor spread about me and they believed it, And I'm not really sure what my plans are.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, you're welcome to talk about it with me." She walks into her apartment and I walk into mine. I don't like talking about my emotions but I might take her up on that offer, I'm not sure what's going on with my own life anymore and she seems to be a great listener. I brush some bugs away from a corner with my hand and I sit in it and start to cry. I suppose that talking about my emotions makes me sad. It feels like reliving it all over again. At least I might have a job if I don't screw it up with Nyx tonight.

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